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Permit to use the head !!


Sustaining Member
Another state gimme! Just found out by chance from another sailor that I have to have a $15 MSD registration state sticker provided by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality..because my Ericson has a head! This is a 2 year Texas shaped sticker dated every odd year stating "Texas Clean Water" that is to be located next to the other Texas Parks and Wildlife Registration number on the bow of the boat. Ignorance is no excuse...the other sailor said I would be fined without the permit. I guess if the boat was inspected under sail, and I did not have the sticker...they would put a lock on the head ??? Surprise, surprise!

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Odd and Interesting.
I always heard that Texans were independent of the "damned gov't" to the point of being armed and dangerous.
This would seem to make California seem like a carefree and unregulated state paradise by comparison!!

Procedural question: would not your normal state registration also bring this information directly to every boat owner? Sure seems like it ought to.


Sustaining Member
Procedural question: would not your normal state registration also bring this information directly to every boat owner? Sure seems like it ought to.
Loren: No the TPW did not notify by obvious instructions, mail or otherwise...that the TCEQ requires a potty licensed sticker!! If it did, it was in very small print legalese designed to clip more $$ from rich sailors!!! Yes, Texans are armed and dangerous...I don't think there is a motor/sail/vehicle/home, etc. without several firearms legal or otherwise. Google "Texas Gun Trader" for a good of the biggest loopholes around. 4th generation here since 1876 and I have bought or inherited more than a fair share. Status quo.


Sustaining Member
I was curious to see what Texas puts out there for boaters. Typically from my experience most states put out a nice package or FAQ for people to make sure they are in compliance with all boating regulations for safety and environmental. As I sail mostly in Maryland waters on the Chesapeake Bay I'm pretty familiar with Maryland's rules, but also Virginia's, and DC's since there is some overlap in our sailing areas.

Anyway, apparently Texas does have a very nice, and seemingly thorough boater guide here:

However, I did a search through the document for anything about environmental rules? Almost nada unless it has to do with hunting or fishing.

I did find it here though:

What's messed up, is almost that exact same number/decal guide is in the PDF but without the bit at the bottom for the MSD decal.

Ok... I really should be getting work done instead of chasing down this rabbit hole, but some days rabbit holes are more fu... er... interesting.


Sustaining Member
Another state gimme! Just found out by chance from another sailor that I have to have a $15 MSD registration state sticker provided by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality..because my Ericson has a head! This is a 2 year Texas shaped sticker dated every odd year stating "Texas Clean Water" that is to be located next to the other Texas Parks and Wildlife Registration number on the bow of the boat. Ignorance is no excuse...the other sailor said I would be fined without the permit. I guess if the boat was inspected under sail, and I did not have the sticker...they would put a lock on the head ??? Surprise, surprise!
If that rule applies to ALL on-board heads, incl self-contained port-a-potties and composting heads, that's quite a money-maker!


Curator of Broken Parts
Blogs Author
I would guess that most other states pay the same tax - it’s just rolled into the boat registration price. I’m talking about the funds to operate pump-out stations, which I assume is what this is about. Perhaps a dangerous assumption - my state has numerous fees and licenses the only purpose of which is to pay the salary of the bureaucrat that collects the fees.


Contributing Partner
Related to this discussion, I sail the Chesapeake Bay where pumping overboard is, of course, forbidden which leaves only deck pump as the only other option for boats with a holding tank. Soon after I bought our E32, many years ago, I changed out all of the head hoses and holding tank (along with rebuilding the head itself) because of the odor. It was a job I'll never forget and all I can say is that I'm glad I had raised small children during my life because the olfactory insult of changing out head hoses was similar to diaper changing but that's another story.

As part of the upgrade I removed and eliminated the "Y" valve ,cause it was no longer needed on the bay, ensuring that deck pump out was the only option. A few years later we we boarded by the US Coast Guard while we were underway and sailing to St Michaels, MD from Annapolis. Besides the usual check of our boat papers one of the Coast Guardsmen (it is that now Gards-persons?) asked to see my "Y" valve for inspection to ensure that it was locked in the closed position. I said, "I don't have a lock and neither do I have a "Y" valve." A look of terror came over his face (I'm not kidding) at which I said that he could look for himself. Upon opening the door to where the thru hulls were which I had closed and blocked off with no hose going to it, he finally realized that there was a direct route from the head to the holding tank with no option to pump overboard. A big smile came over his face (Again, I'm not kidding.) and I said, "See no "Y" valve, lock or pumping overboard." He was a young lad (he still had sone acne) carrying a 9 MM on his hip and was over joyed which is good to see when someone is carrying a gun. In the meantime my wife was in the cockpit with the female guardsmen talking about shoes! (Once again, I'm not kidding.) After all was determined to be ship shape on board our little vessel we waved goodbye to our coast protectors and with that the training exercise for the day ended.


I can remember when the holding tank laws first went into effect back in the early 70’s. To me it made a bit of sense for inland lakes but not so much for ocean waters.

Living in Miami at the time the city had a huge sewage outflow just offshore that flowed 24/7/365. It was nicknamed the “RoseBowl” and was/is a disgusting area of brown water that contrasts the normal indigo blue waters.

That non stop legal pollutant probably put out more damage in a half hour than all the combined pleasure boats up and down the coast between Miami and New York!!!

Also, large ships (especially cruise ships) dump all their “krap” and garbage once out beyond the 12 mile limits! ...There have been reports on this sickening practice.

Again, politicians grandstanding like they’ve really solved a problem but completely turning a blind eye most likely to whoever pays them off by donating to campaigns.