Catalina sells kits but are a bit more pricey.
Through a friend at our boat club, we found a place in Cleveland, OH that deals in EVERYTHING regarding rubber and vinyl seals.
LK Technology, Inc.
5116 Warrensville Ctr Rd
Cleveland, Ohio 44137
More thoughts. ...If it’s a very small leak and only one port, you may want to try some Capt. Tolley’s first. It’s a very thin solution of silicon sealant like a penetrating oil that seeps into the crevices by osmosis that actually works.
(Best part is it’s thin enough not to leave a goopy silicon mess that’s difficult to clean up!)
Been a busy week at work so finally had a chance to get back to this. Thanks to everyone for their suggestions. The dead light is out so I’m going to try the rubber gasket but will keep the Creeping Crack stuff in mind for the next one.