small doses of big water...
Hey Chip,
Morgan's got it right on (as usual

). Also, if you really want blue water experience, get it in small doses with other people. Try to find some people with lots of experience who are doing small amounts of blue water and go with them. Our club on the Chesapeake sponsors an informal fun race around the light at the entrance to the bay (a few miles ofshore) led by a guy who does the transpac, annapolis-bermuda, and other such races... and the cruising side of the club usually does a sail around the Delmarva peninsula (lots more offshore, but not too far out to sea) led by a guy with lots of offshore experience. There are also schools that specialize in teaching about blue water. We had a friend do and had a great offshore experience.
The other thing to think about is the boat. Yes,
AN Ericson 25 could make that trip, but could yours? Our E-38 would require lots of upgrades/refits of things like seacocks on through-hulls, new standing rig, life raft rental, epirb rental, etc... before we could make a trip like that.
But, with all that said- Dude, good goals!
One other question for the Salties: could this trip be done in the Intra Coastal?