Monday's 5-17-2021 in-harbor conditions were almost optimal to complete the mast step process: pouring Spartite into the mast partner to (hopefully) create a watertight plug and provide 360* of support. This is 'what happened'...
One pic shows how the mast was centered and stabilized using lines run north, south, east and west from the mast, to snatch blocks and then to clutches or through cabin top clutches. Centering is important, especially 'stabilized centering', to help assure a consistent plug dimension around the circumference.
Vaseline, a lot of Vaseline, was lathered onto the walls of the mast partner before the mast was stepped, hoping to assure easy mast removal in the fall.
Another pic shows 3 layers of Blue Painters Tape that created a flexible higher dam, intended to allow @ 1/4" of Spartite to fill in above the partner (as a target number). The tape also created a flexibal lip for the funnel, as it was 'tight quarters' in a couple spots.
The underside of the partner was sealed around its circumference with the clay Spartite provides, rolling clay like a Kindergartner into several 1/2" diameter Tootsie Rolls. We forgot to plug the mainsail channel slot ('Go Fever' got us), discovered when a crew member working on electronics below deck yelled "we've got a leak!". Plugged and cleaned up next day.
The mast ring area was covered in drop cloths, anticipating errant spills. Spartite is viscous, kinda, as it 'runs' like honey. We thought we had a 'great idea', which was to add tubing to a funnel, with an end point diameter that would fit into the collar opening. Didn't happen, minor disaster, as 'runs like honey' became 'molasses in January' quickly, with the funnel half full and nothing coming out the bottom of the tubing. Good thing we had drop cloths.
Tubing pulled, with the funnel still half full ("don't spill!"), with the funnel then oriented over the target area and moved around the circumference, carefully, adding more Spartite to the funnel as needed, watching the plug gradually fill. Spartite says you have 7-12 minutes once mixed, depending on ambient temperature and ours began to thicken, but still vacate the funnel, at about the 10 minute mark.
Stopped the pour when "Good Enough!" was called, cleaned up the mess, Acetone is your friend. Checked the forecast, again, rain wasn't scheduled until mid-afternoon (4+ hours later) and that rain never arrived. All good.
The final picture shows how the plug looked just prior to the mastboot being secured by hose clamps.
It rained Tuesday night, inspection of the new headliner showed 'dry and nothing', which are both good things.
We anticipate getting 3-5 years from this installation, depending on how easily it pulls when the mast is unstepped this fall.
The season beckons!
All in all, a successful installation.
One pic shows how the mast was centered and stabilized using lines run north, south, east and west from the mast, to snatch blocks and then to clutches or through cabin top clutches. Centering is important, especially 'stabilized centering', to help assure a consistent plug dimension around the circumference.
Vaseline, a lot of Vaseline, was lathered onto the walls of the mast partner before the mast was stepped, hoping to assure easy mast removal in the fall.
Another pic shows 3 layers of Blue Painters Tape that created a flexible higher dam, intended to allow @ 1/4" of Spartite to fill in above the partner (as a target number). The tape also created a flexibal lip for the funnel, as it was 'tight quarters' in a couple spots.
The underside of the partner was sealed around its circumference with the clay Spartite provides, rolling clay like a Kindergartner into several 1/2" diameter Tootsie Rolls. We forgot to plug the mainsail channel slot ('Go Fever' got us), discovered when a crew member working on electronics below deck yelled "we've got a leak!". Plugged and cleaned up next day.
The mast ring area was covered in drop cloths, anticipating errant spills. Spartite is viscous, kinda, as it 'runs' like honey. We thought we had a 'great idea', which was to add tubing to a funnel, with an end point diameter that would fit into the collar opening. Didn't happen, minor disaster, as 'runs like honey' became 'molasses in January' quickly, with the funnel half full and nothing coming out the bottom of the tubing. Good thing we had drop cloths.
Tubing pulled, with the funnel still half full ("don't spill!"), with the funnel then oriented over the target area and moved around the circumference, carefully, adding more Spartite to the funnel as needed, watching the plug gradually fill. Spartite says you have 7-12 minutes once mixed, depending on ambient temperature and ours began to thicken, but still vacate the funnel, at about the 10 minute mark.
Stopped the pour when "Good Enough!" was called, cleaned up the mess, Acetone is your friend. Checked the forecast, again, rain wasn't scheduled until mid-afternoon (4+ hours later) and that rain never arrived. All good.
The final picture shows how the plug looked just prior to the mastboot being secured by hose clamps.
It rained Tuesday night, inspection of the new headliner showed 'dry and nothing', which are both good things.
We anticipate getting 3-5 years from this installation, depending on how easily it pulls when the mast is unstepped this fall.
The season beckons!
All in all, a successful installation.