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stoked...just bought E35


Member I
just bought a E35II!!! moved up from a clombia 29 (for sale in san diego, cheap, needs alot of lovin) this looks like a great site, worthy of great boats. ive been sailing most of my 34years but still a rookie. mostly in the penobscott region of ME. but for the past five years in SD bay. looking to venture out into the blue... Catalina, Mexico, ???(cape horn??):rolleyes:

Sean Engle

Your Friendly Administrator
Welcome to site, and to owning an Ericson! :egrin:

Ericsons are great boats, and you've found a great site full of owners who will be more than happy to give you their opinions! :p


gareth harris

Sustaining Member
Welcome - you have got yourself a great boat. I wonder if you have one of the E35s I used to see in San Diego Bay, as there were a few in need of some work. The summer wind there is regular as clockwork - you can count on a breeze around noon, and being becalmed around sunset.

When it comes to the TLC, there are a number of contributors here who have done extensive work to a 1970s E35, so the archives are rich, and a lot of advice is available.

As for sailing away, there are not many places to go for a weekend from San Diego, other than Mission Bay, but the Baja coast is completely unspoiled when you get far enough south of the border if you can take a longer trip. If you make it to Cape Horn, I think you will be the first, so make notes and take pictures...

Freyja E35 #241 1972


Member III
Congrats and welcome to the site. Lots of great information and wise advice.

I cut my teeth on Casco Bay. Today I find myself at Catalina moored amongst dozens and dozens of Catalina's. Only three Ericsons in the harbor. Going to try and sneek into their party



Member III
Welcome, you will find helpful Ericson owners who go out of their way to help and direct you. If you ever need anything just post and you will get help.
Best of luck in your endeavors to fix your boat up and restore it to its original condition.


Member I
SoCal Ericson

I also just bought an E35 in Southern California. I had previously sailed a Catalina 30 out of Harbor Island in San Diego, but I live in Oceanside. I found this Ericson with a slip in the Oceanside Harbor, which is impossible to get into. Offers on the boat stacked up quick, but I was fortunate enough to get in first.
There appear to be several E35s in the Harbor and all the old timers tell me what a great boat it is for coastal sailing in our area.
If you end up sailing north let me know.
Congratulations on your new Ericson.