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Sunny Lake Mead

Steve Swann

Member III
One of the great joys of owning a trailerable Ericson is that we can find warm spots and take our favorite boat with us! Let's see if I got the picture to attach and sized correctly.

Oh, and guess who forgot their sail covers!


  • Ericson 25 Lake Mead in November MOD.jpg
    Ericson 25 Lake Mead in November MOD.jpg
    117.2 KB · Views: 133

Sean Engle

Your Friendly Administrator
Great picture Steve - I'll put it in the new Land-Locked! page if you don't mind...


Rob Hessenius

Inactive Member

Steve, Your doing what I dream to do in the future with my E25. Great picture too! Quick question, what size are the ports that are up in the head? Is the outside trim piece polished aluminum? Thank you. Rob Hessenius

Steve Swann

Member III
More Lake Mead

Unfortunately, I was not able to get any pictures of us sailing, but here is the other side of life on a trailerable Ericson. Life aboard is surprisingly easy and roomy for two people.

I have pictures of my galley, propane BBQ installation, mast raising, and settee berth extension I added if anyone is interested.

Also, the forward portlights installed by the PO are plastic lipped (hard on bare feet because they aren't flush), but the are opening and have screens. Pretty nice for ventilation fwd.


  • SM Dinnertime.JPG
    SM Dinnertime.JPG
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  • SM Main Cabin.jpg
    SM Main Cabin.jpg
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  • SM Tawni Waking Up.JPG
    SM Tawni Waking Up.JPG
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  • SM Tawni and a Good Book.JPG
    SM Tawni and a Good Book.JPG
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Steve Swann

Member III
2 More Mead Pics

Just a couple more pictures for you folks longing for sunshine.


  • Seahorse at beach.jpg
    Seahorse at beach.jpg
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  • Tawni and Seahorse.JPG
    Tawni and Seahorse.JPG
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Kim Schoedel

Member III
So based from the pic's, it looks like the terrain around Lake Mead is pretty flat. How big is the lake? Depth? Any resorts/marina's/watering holes? Fishing?

Dan Hayes

Member III
Lake Mead

My family used to go to Lake Mead all the time - in the summer for water skiing, in the winter for fishing and just hanging out... we often went Thanksgiving weekend. While back then I was just a powerboater, I remember a most impressive sight - a guy coming in with a trailerable O'day 25, dropping the jib at the last second, and ghosting in to the dock. I was really impressed - looked like a white swan gliding across the lake...

Can imagine that sailing an Ericson into Temple Bar Marina must be a blast - and camping out way back in one of those huge coves would be really cool, and very private - kind of like down in Baja, but if you need provisions, a store is only a short sail away.

Have fun, and keep an eye out for those big winds they get sometimes...

Sean Engle

Your Friendly Administrator
Just a couple more pictures for you folks longing for sunshine.

Wow - another great picture. Please plan on doing a write up of this trip, Steve...for the new regional section...(just 1-2 pages : sorry to request this on your vacation - but you started it by posting excellent images! :) )


Steve Swann

Member III
A write-up is in the offing

Kim, Dan, and Sean,

I'll put together what I know about the lake, some stats about this body of water, the geography, and our trip in the next week or two and post it.

Thanks all for the interest in our trip. It was interesting, but not a great knock-down adventure, attempt at a circumnavigation, or anything like this. It was just a fun trip after the peak boating season; perfect for sailing.

Steve, Tawni, and Seahorse

Sean Engle

Your Friendly Administrator
Kim, Dan, and Sean,

I'll put together what I know about the lake, some stats about this body of water, the geography, and our trip in the next week or two and post it.

Thanks all for the interest in our trip. It was interesting, but not a great knock-down adventure, attempt at a circumnavigation, or anything like this. It was just a fun trip after the peak boating season; perfect for sailing.

Steve, Tawni, and Seahorse

Yeah, you can either post it here, or email to me, and I'll load it into the new 'Land-Locked!' regional page - and cross-link back to the Inforamtion Exchange...

Lake Mead & Other Lakes?

I have this picture as my screen saver - very impressive! I live not so far from you...Lake Chelan, Washington, and am wondering if you have explored arond here at all? We have a small but very friendly sailing club here at Lake Chelan, trips up lake are part of what they do. Contact me if you are ever interested. Rufus Woods is a 50 mile long lake only a short drive from here that is relatively un-explored by sailboats.
I purchased a E25 this fall, and will get it in the water this spring. I have gone back and read all your posts, they have been a wealth of information. Thanks for all that. - Chris

Steve Swann

Member III
NW Freshwater Sailing


Thanks for chiming in! Chelan is on our short list to explore. We would like to get all the way to the upper end and explore around Stehekin. We have thought this and other lakes around you (and BC Canada) would be good candidates for sailing on AFTER retrieving the boat out of the San Juans. You know, give it a good fresh water rinse before thundering home.

Have you thought about Priest Lake in Northern Idaho as a destination? There are great facilities there along with a sailing community. Kim and Karlene Schoedel sail their E35 on Lake Pend Orielle (pronounced "ponderay) in northern Idaho. We may go take "Seahorse" up to "his lake" for some foul weather gear comparisons and evaluations sometime this year.

Check in again!

Steve Swann
Boise, ID