Arcturus has gradually been accumulating his own dedicated set of tools. At first, I brought a box or two of tools from the shop every time I went to do a boat project. But that seemed to be every single time. So obviously a tool set was needed on board. But I still brought power tools from...
The answer is:
a. Far too many to list
b. The number required minus one
Eventually you discover certain tools that are needed for only ONE item on board. Sometimes you can change that item. Sometimes you just have to tote that tool.
snap ring pliers for water pump impeller
really large screwdriver for tiller escutcheon plate
special wrench that both fits the packing nut AND fits into the compartment where the nut is (might also fit propane tank nut)
batten de-installation tool
homemade handle for wrenching open jammed deck plates
specialized crimpers for different sorts of electrical connectors
torx driver for the genoa furler
bolt-cutter for emergency clearing of the rig after demasting