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Show me your interior cushions!

Geoff W.

Makes Up For It With Enthusiasm
Blogs Author
Ok, foam time. Current quotes are $570 for a sheet of 2.5 density 4" thick foam, enough for the whole v berth. Alternate quote is a little over $1k for the supposedly very nice Latex foam. I didn't feel a $500 difference in comfort when I tried them out, but am curious about the durability and other qualities of one vs the other. Anyone spring for the expensive stuff and feel good about it? Anyone doing just fine with the "cheaper" alternative?

Geoff W.

Makes Up For It With Enthusiasm
Blogs Author
Is that crazy? I mean, yeah it is objectively, but an upholsterer quoted me the same for foam up here. I can find similar sheets of 2540 foam online for around $300 without shipping, or being cut to spec by the shop.


Called a place in PDX, they wouldn't ship it vacuumed so shipping is prohibitively expensive, so I'd be looking at:

$290 or so for the foam sheet
$60 or so for the cuts
$40 for gas
So let's call it $400 and a road trip to Portland :)

If I was able to order all the foam in one go, it'd probably be worth the trip but I unfortunately don't have the resources (nor does my buddy making the cushions have the time) to do my entire boat at then I'm storing foam in my studio apartment................

Anyone got any other ideas? :)
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Tin Kicker

Sustaining Member
At some point, somebody replaced mine with nearly identical ones that had red dots, rather than the white. It's amazing how different they looked after a simple good wash.

When I replaced the ones in an RV, I bought the foam and fabric and had a local seamstress make the covers. Don't remember how much she charged in labor for the little ones or the total bill, but the bed sized one was something like $85.

Every larger city has a big place which sells surplus rolls of fabric and has all the other supplies. This place happens to be near us, is huge, and will ship. Their marine vinyl is about a half of what it would cost at Joanne Fabric.

I agree with the others about using furniture upholstery for the interior and for the RV I selected a nice couch material which had a great feel and had stain treatment, but it wore like iron.

Pick up an electric kitchen knife and you can cut the foam yourself very easily. Mine were a very firm cushion (2 layers of 2"), with a 1" soft layer on that of memory foam, topped by some thin batting.
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Kenneth K

1985 32-3, Puget Sound
Blogs Author
On the subject of cushions....I had several pieces of canvas to take into a repair shop (sail cover and dodger) and the guy said he would do "minor" work on cushions, too. I always wanted to have the quarterberth cushion cut down in size. No one ever sleeps there, it's prime storage space, and that was the biggest, bulkiest cushion on board.

I cut the cushion to be just a chart-table seat cushion and the canvas guy was able to sew it up as a zippered cushion. That left several feet of fabric leftover if I need to patch other cushions in the future.


Works for me....
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Christian Williams

E381 - Los Angeles
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Allow me to contribute an idea which is working for me.

A sheet of stiff plastic, or even masonite, cut to fit the qberth.

It covers the cushion/cushions, allowing heavy stuff such as inflatables or cases of beer to easily slide, rather than tear at the fabric.

When the qberth is for sleeping, just slide the plastic surface under the foam.

e38 owner

Member III
Rascal red

Goeff, I just don't know. Some in the business say it isn't, yet others have told method they have found it through their known sources. It is well worth searching for but if not that, a similar fabric. Glyn

I am in the upholstery business. We made sofas from the fabric many moons ago. Very durable and popular in a red and blue. I have not seen it in many years.

e38 owner

Member III
Ok, foam time. Current quotes are $570 for a sheet of 2.5 density 4" thick foam, enough for the whole v berth. Alternate quote is a little over $1k for the supposedly very nice Latex foam. I didn't feel a $500 difference in comfort when I tried them out, but am curious about the durability and other qualities of one vs the other. Anyone spring for the expensive stuff and feel good about it? Anyone doing just fine with the "cheaper" alternative?

I think cutting down a memory foam sleeper mat may be an option. 2.5 foam is nice. Remember density is different than firmness. Density refers to the amount foam vs air. A minimum of 1.8 and up. A denser foam will hold up better for the same firmness to a point. On a 1 lb foam you can feel the cells collapse. All foams will soften with time


New Member
Upholstery Fabric

Does anyone know the name of this upholstery fabric, or if it is still available?

On the subject of cushions....I had several pieces of canvas to take into a repair shop (sail cover and dodger) and the guy said he would do "minor" work on cushions, too. I always wanted to have the quarterberth cushion cut down in size. No one ever sleeps there, it's prime storage space, and that was the biggest, bulkiest cushion on board.

I cut the cushion to be just a chart-table seat cushion and the canvas guy was able to sew it up as a zippered cushion. That left several feet of fabric leftover if I need to patch other cushions in the future.

View attachment 26052
View attachment 26054

Works for me....

Geoff W.

Makes Up For It With Enthusiasm
Blogs Author
Loren provided some info on it, but unless you find someone with a stockpile, I think it's long gone.

When we had some upholstery work done in '95, our guy said that he was able to buy a remnant of the dark blue with the white dot pattern.
He said that that particular product line was being phased out at that time and no more would be available.

He gave me the sample panel with all of the color swatches on it as a keepsake.
"Irvin Alan Fabrics" "Salute" #2201 - 2209, 2211 - 2219. 97% Acrylic, 3% Rayon
Scotchgard, and sold 54" wide.

Useless trivia, nowadays.........


Member III
These cushions are Ultasuede. The PO put these in new just before I bought the boat. I love the look of the color as it matches great with the headliner. The only problem is the white always makes me nervous about stains. Its five years now and they're still looking good. The Ultrasuede is supposed to be easy to clean. When I've had a couple small stains, they cleaned up well.
