Hello Carlton; Thanks for the reply. Just a few days ago I made contact with the engineer who shared the first personal computer I ever saw. .1979. I hadn't spoken to him in 45 years. Hard drive was a tape deck. There is a documentary of Ron Holland where he describes converting software from Porche over to boats. I was running around Shelter Island just three days ago, finalizing new sails, rigger "conferences", etc when by chance I decided to visit this Yacht Design office lodged between two places I was visiting to see what a Yacht design office looked like. There was one guy in there and we swapped stories and such. He had some impressive half models on the walls....turns out I was talking to Ben Nelson, one of Dennis Conner's America cup guys. He pointed to his drafting boards and said he still uses them once in awhile even though the industry shifted to software. I mentioned the test is really bound by penmenship...today's generation would probably appreviate "The quick Brown Fox". I told him I was restoring a 36RH and he noted he just last week was sailing on a 33. I would be interested in knowing what conversions you are thinking of.
Rob Boyle