Prop fouling issues


Member III
Hello all,

On my 32-2 I have a 3 blade propeller. I keep having issues with it being fouled by sea grass. It happens when entering harbors where there are submerged bunches of loose grass. You can’t see it to avoid it. Reversing does not remove it. You need to get in the water with a utility knife and cut it off. I’m looking for a solution. Why is it wrapping up like that? Is there some kind of guard I can use to deflect the grass but not effect the thrust of the propeller?
Yesterday I had to use a lot of power to get into port with 12nmph on the nose. I was making 1.4nmph VMG

Help! Thank You


Sustaining Member
If you can install a "line cutter" on the prop shaft, that might work with sea grass, even if it is designed for cutting rope.


Member III
These look like a good ideal but I don't think this will stop the sea grass from wrapping in the prop. Cut a line or net yes maybe. The net may be more like the grass and fill up the prop. These cutters look to prevent prop stall from a wrap. That is not my issue. the issue is the grass balling up on the propeller and taking away the bite and thrust. This stuff needs to be cut off the prop hub. think of it as like the twine you get from Home Dept to tie a load but maybe 50 strands spinning with rotation and covering the propeller in a ball...