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Our own "gang" sign?


Contributing Partner
As my wife and I were sailing north under the Annapolis Bay bridges this past weekend we noticed another E32-3, just like ours, sailing south also under the bridge. We don't see that many Ericsons on the bay, let alone E-32s, so our hand waving was a bit more enthusiastic then usual. :clap:

The helms man flashed back a hand sign that I first thought was the same sort of "hand signal" I've gotten from other motorists on the highway when I've done a bonehead move or accidently cut them off. But after a closer look his hand sign was formed by sticking the index finger and pink up and then holding the two middle fingers down on the palm with the thumb. This forms a sort of helmet and horns.

So I guess we now have our own "gang sign" to flash back and forth to each other when we pass. Pity the poor Hunter, Catalina and Beneteau owners.
What do they do? ;)


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Kevin Johnston

Member III
Hand jive

I like it! :egrin:

P.S. to Cat owners: you could use peace signs on each side of their face and Hunter owners: you could use the old finger gun thing.
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Member III
The sign you show is a gang sign. The Brims use it and the Latin Kings use something similar also. I would not flash those signs on shore especially in an urban area, or you are liable to get a crash course in gang etiquette you will not soon forget.

I suspect the sign you saw was the thumb and little finger extended with the rest of the fingers closed on to the palm, and the hand sort of waved. This is an old surfer sign that basically means hang loose, or be cool. More prominent on the west coast then the east coast.

Sorry, my misspent youth surfaces.


Innocent Bystander
> I would not flash those signs on shore especially in an urban area

Until the West Coast Ericson Owner's Association decides to hold its quarterly meetings in Watts, I don't think that constraint is going to crimp anybody's style.

"Hey! Hey you in the dark corner of that abandoned lot! Yeah, you, with the pipe wrench! Ericson owner? Leaky packing gland? I said, 'Are you an Ericson owner?' Yeah, Ericson, E-R-I-C-S-O-N." (flash sign) "Oh, no! Aaaaaaaagh!"

Sean Engle

Your Friendly Administrator
> "Hey! Hey you in the dark corner of that abandoned lot! Yeah, you, with the pipe wrench! Ericson owner? Leaky packing gland? I said, 'Are you an Ericson owner?' Yeah, Ericson, E-R-I-C-S-O-N." (flash sign) "Oh, no! Aaaaaaaagh!"

Ahahahaha! Of course, asking anyone about their 'leaky gland' would probably get you in trouble... :p

Thanks for the afternoon laugh - I needed it!

