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    The 2024-2025 Fund Raising Season has Opened!

    EricsonYachts.org has opened the season for raising funds to support the expenses of the site. If you would like to participate, please see the link below for additional information.

    Thanks so much for your continued support of EricsonYachts.org!

    2024-2025 Fund Raising Info

35-II tall rig - Topping Lift Measurment


Member II
Can anyone out there save me the trouble of going to the boat for a measurement?

I'm going to replace the topping lift and wondering what the measurement would be. I'll take an educated guess from anyone and build in a few feet for error. ;)

How long (and how thick) a line would I need for a new topping lift?

thanks for any help...



Member III
Can anyone out there save me the trouble of going to the boat for a measurement?

I'm going to replace the topping lift and wondering what the measurement would be. I'll take an educated guess from anyone and build in a few feet for error. ;)

How long (and how thick) a line would I need for a new topping lift?

thanks for any help...


Is your topping lift a 'running' or adjustable rig? If adjustable, is it hoisted at the mast or at the aft end of the boom via a cleat? Or - is it a static line attached to a mast top tang and boom end shackle?

While you're pondering all that here's what I have on my '77 E35II:

Standard rig (40 foot mast), topping lift shackled to mast top tang, boom end cleated. The boom end can be raised a few feet to accomodate cockpit gatherings by taking up on the cleated end.

Length approximately 45 feet (38 feet plus 7 feet for hoist);

Specs: 38 feet 3/16ths 7x19 stainless wire, eyes swaged both ends - shackled to swivel block; 7 feet of 1/4" Dacron rove through block - standing end tied to pad eye port side boom end, standing end belayed to 3" Marelon cleat boom end starboard.

For a tall rig add another 2 feet to either the stainless or Dacron line.

PS: Another thing to consider is to ditch the topping lift completely and install a rigid vang.


Capt Dan G>E35II "Kunu"
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Member II

Thanks C'apt Dan...

Thanks...thats what I was looking for. My topping lift is adjustable and runs back to a mast base cleat. I'm going with 3/8 halyard line. I'm guessing I'm gonna need 90 feet or so. Mast Height + leech length + a little extra.

Should work out...ordering from Cajun trading asap.
