I've had the "firearms on boats" discussion more than a few times, online and off, and I'm always surprised when someone comes up against the idea. My argument is that EVERY sailor, worldwide, should be allowed ONE firearm for personal defense. A marinized pump shotgun makes the most sense. It then becomes a personal choice to have one or not. Use it or not.
You have to understand that I'm from the island of Barbados. Firearm ownership is severely restricted, and crime, despite what the statistics say, it quite high. Lots of crime in the third world simply goes unreported. I have family that work the charterboat trade and race in the Caribbean. They wouldn't think to sail the Grenadines, a supposedly safe place, without a shotgun.
Now I realize that this is in stark contrast to what most US and Euro cruisers would tell, you, thousands of ocean miles without a problem, blah, blah, blah. Listen to the locals. They know what is really happening.
The last issue is the "banana republics" are mostly not gun friendly and make is difficult for a sailor to have a weapon on board. Having one makes clearing in and out of customs that much more difficult. The flip side of this is these same banana republics don't do a hell of a lot to safeguard your life or possessions either. Its a "lose-lose" really.
This poor wretch was at the wrong place, wrong time. I'm actually very surprised his daughter wasn't raped and murdered as well. Four bullet holes is a very deliberate thing.