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Show us your recent Ericson photos

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Lawrence B. Lee

Member III
A full day

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Annabel Lee at sunset, at noon and at night on the hook with a full moon rinsing. The cabin lights are oil.

Larry Lee
Annabel Lee
Savannah, GA

Lawrence B. Lee

Member III

Here's our sole replacement. Glossy!

Not sure how to rotate my image, so turn and look sideways to view...lol!


Nice sole looking sole. One question: Where is your fresh water Whale foot pump? I am assuming the one that is visible is saltwater and ice box drain.

Rick R.

Contributing Partner

Nice sole looking sole. One question: Where is your fresh water Whale foot pump? I am assuming the one that is visible is saltwater and ice box drain.

Hi Larry,

I guess the guys at the factory took lunch and forgot the add the fresh water foot pump when they came back. The freshwater pump is a hand pump on the sink.

Love those pics Larry! Post more.....please.

Lawrence B. Lee

Member III
Three more


Here we have the Admiral a/k/a Severe Storm Specialist K.I.Tolvstad practicing removing her hands from the wheel just before she guesses the lightning will strike. The lightning was everywhere. I am below avoiding contact with metal in case I will be needed topside if anything "untoward" happens to the Adm. So far so good.

Here's the Annabel Lee in just off the Intracoastal waterway in Northern South Carolina. We are heading for N.C.

Finally, here is the sun coming up with the moon and Venus in attendance. Hard to beat.

Larry Lee
Annabel Lee
E 32-200
Savannah, GA

Rick R.

Contributing Partner
Thanks for all the photos!

It's great to see photos of Ericsons on the forum.

There are a lot of members who have wonderful boats they haven't posted yet. If you need help learning how to post a photo, you can search the forum.

Just post a reply and click manage attachments (below). Then pick the photo you want to upload from your computer and viola!


Member I
Most recent picture of '77 E-29 "Odin" and new addition: swim platform and step.


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Christian Williams

E381 - Los Angeles
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
If you need help learning how to post a photo, you can search the forum.

Photographs: Here's how the forum software handles pictures for forum threads:

--In the New Message pane, scroll down through Additional Options to Attachments.

--Click manage Attachments. Click Add Files. Click Choose File.

--Choose File opens the contents of your computer. Locate the photo required and open it. Click Upload.

--Upload adds the chosen photo to your personal collection on EricsonYachts.org. It stays there, should you wish to use it again anywhere on the site. Since EY.o hosts its own photos, there are no dead picture links here.

--Before uploading, crop and tune the picture on your computer as desired. If you name photos specifically (such as, "Ericson 32-200 packing gland"), each photo will be searchable worldwide by Google. If the picture is very large, the forum software will ask you to use your photo editor to resize it, 800x600 preferred.

--Check the box on the uploaded photo and click Insert. The picture will appear in the text wherever the cursor was last. You can then further move it around with cursor or paragraph key. Yes, occasionally, the program balks. Photos don't show up on the Preview screen, or appear oversized (resize them), or behave oddly. Try again.


Rick R.

Contributing Partner
Here's one we took in downtown Pensacola the other night.


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Greg Ross

Not the newest member
LAYLA II Life and Times

This would be LAYLA in the Northumberland Strait, east coast Canada, this image found its way into Good Old Boat a month or so ago.


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Lawrence B. Lee

Member III
Lovely boat


There really is something special about an Independence. We had one pull into Savannah a couple of years ago and it got all over the marina that an Ericson Independence 31 was present. What fun. Wish I could remember the number.

Larry Lee
Annabel Lee
E 32-200
Savannah, GA
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