I should have said 50 years ago. We were casting large sculptural forms from raw materials, acrylic powder and monomer. Castings were placed in an autoclave and subjected to pressure and heat. The forms were then finished by machining, grinding and polishing. Annealing was the last step in...
I worked with casting acrylic plastics forty years ago. After the final polishing, the castings were annealed to relieve the surface stress and prevent crazing.
Mark: The one on the right was from the stern rail. They're both from a 1980 Ericson 28+. But I believe they match what was on the 73' Ericson 27 I had. I have another, like to one on the left, but it is badly damaged.
Make it look legal. If, your height is under 13 ft. 6 inches. Put DOT approved flags on all four corners. Get "Wide Load" banners for the rear of the trailer and the front of the truck and add a flashing light on the top of the truck cab. Use two, three-inch-wide straps to secure the boat to...
Have you visited the Moyer A-4 website and forum? They may have additional insight. I remember a side plate on the A-4. Removal of that would expose more water passages. I believe.
Don't know much about it other than it's been at the marina (Plattsburgh Boat Basin) I'm at for at least the last 7 or so years. Spent all of the pandemic on the hard. Owned by a, French only, speaking lady out of Montreal. Many of the boats at the marina are owned by Canadians'. Tiller...