Why not aluminum pull rivets? It's pretty common on aircraft to install "placeholder rivets". This happens usually after an older system is removed and all the structure looks like swiss cheese, so a solid rivet is usually bucked in. For the little hole that's left in the pull rivet you could...
When you get them installed could you please throw some pictures up? I'm headed down this road as well at some point this year. Can you identify which brand you have?
Here is some reassurance your efforts are not in vain or a waste of time. That's for a cap shroud... on a 38. Probably original to the boat, after I saw that I went scorched earth on the rig, everything got replaced. Luckily that was pretty early in ownership of the boat and I had not taken it...
We're about to replace all the foam and upholstery in the boat and we ordered the Sailrite foam demo kit. We ordered Standard Medium density foam to build a demo cushion but I'm curious with what others have gone with. Have any others purchased foam from Sailrite? If so what did you go with...
Yup, commercial aircraft don't carry paper charts anymore. They keep the backup charts on electronic tablets which are far easier to update than a library of physical charts.
I've replaced transducers and thru hulls on the 38 and the hull below waterline is anywhere from 1"-0.75" solid fiberglass. The closer you get to the keel the thicker it is. I'd suspect a similar vintage 35 to have about the same.
Use the J dimension for your boat, a little more or a little less will work. It's not an exact science. If you plan to race having the pole longer than your J dimension will incur a time penalty. I wouldn't rule out a solid spinnaker pole they are pretty common at boater resale shops and more...
Dang that's expensive for new ones. Checking valve timing while you have all this apart helps with a smoother running engine as well and it'll start faster.
I like the height for visibility but you can raise a sail tack with a strop or whatever it's called on the tack. Here is a photo of my furler, like you pointed out it keeps things clear around the anchor. I also run the tackline for the kite off the bail and it keeps the pre-feed clean-ish.
Interesting takes, I'm wanting to install a sailtec hydraulic backstay adjuster to my 38 so I can depower the headsail and maybe flatten the top of the main. I'm curious if y'all think the bending of the upper mast as the backstay is cranked will be enough to stop the pumping of the upper mast...
Ah so some Ericson's do have the cut outs for check stays! I've been wanting to install a set. They stabilize the rig going to weather it's not a downwind control. You crank the weather side check on in chop or conditions that make the upper half of the mast pump. Don't over tension them or you...
Yeah the bushings would work to stop that, I wonder if using aramid fiber would allow you to forego the bushings. I watched the video Duracell had on the checkstays, it's interesting. Would be cool to see how you would tie shroud chain plates to the structure/hull on the Ericson. If you're...