I am not an engineer by any means. I have always thought the Ericson Hull was built quite stout. The purpose of the the grid for the most part was to support the forces of the the rig throughout the boat. Thus the tapping would be to reduce flex and reduce the hull spans into smaller...
I run a furniture upholstery factory for a living. The headliner on our Ericson is a work of art. I have a few rips and it is not something I really want to tackle. They used a lot of staples this project is in the hundreds of hours. Most of the time removing the old ilinervin the right...
I added a garahauer rigid vang many years ago. I think all boats should have one. Eliminates the need for a topping lift, Makes it easier to control the leech in light air. On some boats you need to turn the middle hatch to face backwards so it will open enough. I love the pennant idea...
Thank you for the advice. A part of me thinks I should remove the keel bolt nut in the shower sump. Apply some not to tenacious caulk 4000 or total boat seal, replace lock washer and nut retorque and call it good.
I have had some damage from the boat sitting on the trailer over the winter and am getting some small leaks around the front keel boat about a shower sump full in a a week. Loren What yard did you use in Portland. It may be the easiest for me to get to.
I added the forespar strainer seems to work well. I replaced the pump a few years back with the larger capacity model and recently added the larger heat exchanger when the orginal bit the dust. cooling is much improved with the above refinements
I have hull 30 a 1981. It has had a little blistering over the years. I live where the boat comes out for the winter. So several years ago I drained them in the fall and filled them and have several coats of barrier in the spring . They have not returned. I do not think our mast was...
My experience shows it is all about priorities
Dacron sails lose their shape a little faster, are heavier but can be repaired and last a very very long time with decent enough shape
Laminate sails are a little lighter, hold a better shape longer but when that laminate starts wearing out and...
I keep my boat at a mountain lake in utah. about 5900 feet of elevation. Some years I keep her in the water with a bubbler and some years i keep her on her trailer. I think overall it is easier on the boat for the in the water years. Here are a few things I consider
In the Water
My 38 has...
I have also had hose come off the cockpit drains. The one that connects to the rear above the water line. I think the ice popped them off. I have never really had the bilge fill.
I take the cockpit drain over off the above the waterline drains and put in a plug I.5 or 2 inch plug Ibought at...