Just another option to throw out. I had 14 cushions saturated in salt water and the insurance money to replace them all. My wife rejected every sample for new cushion fabric. I ended up commercially cleaning the covers and replacing the cushion material. The cushions look great and I can see...
Sean: From having an unreal boating experience with Terra Nova, I more than appreciate this site. That two year recovery would have been much more difficult without this site. The Insurance Company was ready to scrap Terra Nova but I wouldn't let her go.
At retirement, I made a short 1,200...
I don't know about Illinois but California is in the middle of an insurance crises. Several national insurance companies have stopped insuring homes in the state so check your homeowners insurance also. I sure it's rubbing off on the boat policies also.
While on fuel tank problems, let me bring up another that will strand you. Immediately after purchasing Terra Nova, I went on a club cruise from Port Angeles to Bremerton. Her engine stopped in the middle of the Port Townsend Cut in 5 knots of tide making for an exciting flush under the bridge...
Good point! 0.41gph. I'm a little stressed, I guess. I almost always have the main up, so it helps in overly light winds. I never power into strong winds and chop. That's what I have an Ericson for. Sailing!
First, the fuel gauge is wildly inaccurate. The standard gauge is linear and the bottom 2" of my tank holds almost 2 gallons and the top 2" holds 18 gallons. This essentially makes the gauge useless.
Second, you should never trust a gauge when you can't pull over to the curb and flag...
I agree completely with Christian.
I tend to be anal about sail trim. First, I like the boat to be going the best it can but more importantly the boat that is strapped in tight with the rail buried and the tiller sucked into the helmsman's chest the boat is under a horrendous amount of stress...
Hey guys. water is NOISY. When I lived in Texas, I remember the rain hitting the roof so hard, you couldn't hear yourself think inside the house. We Westerners tend to be wusses about rain, but we get to shake, rattle and roll instead.
The trick lies in avoiding the Canadian taxes which are rather eye popping. Buying on Canadian soil triggers them. If you say go, you need to know what to write into the contract. You haven't mentioned your sailing experience, the location of the boat, condition, type of power, or where its...