TWO Stream of Water from Stern


Member II
Hi all,

As some of you know, I'm very new to sail boating. I bought my E28+ in late Nov and still getting familiar with how it functions. Upon starting the inboard, I know to look to assure water is being expelled from the stern. And it has. However, the last time I had her on, TWO streams of water were shooting out. I didn't take a pic, but it looked very strange. Anyone have any clue why this is happening? Thanks in advance.

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
TWO streams of water were shooting out.
I would guess that the main "stream" is from the exhaust outlet -- exhaust and water mixed. (Chuffing and whooshing out)
For all the boats with a Universal diesel, there was also a smaller (like 1/4") hose that goes aft from the engine raw water from the top of the exhaust elbow. This functions as a syphon break. Some boats had an external small thruhull for this water to pee out of when the engine is running and others had a trick little port for that hose, on the inside of the transom directly into the metal exhaust thruhull piece.
Our boat had it exiting just above the exhaust fitting. When I changed to a new Beta engine, we eliminated that extra hose run.
Note B- a few Ericson's also had a Yanmar installed and I do not believe that they had this extra hose.

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Geez Alan, only 8 am, and I am wrong already, today! :rolleyes: Oh well, nowhere to go but up from here...

Seriously, this "extra" hose may have been installed because there was something about the vertical distance from exhaust elbow to water-lift muffler just the way the engine was mounted in the hulls. As to why they put this bit of plumbing into my (not BK designed) hull, maybe it was just easier to tell the guys on the line to build them all out the same. (?)


Sustaining Member
The Yanmar that came with my 81 E-28+ had the same setup. The two cylinder Yanmar was not the original engine for the sailboat.


Sustaining Member
I would keep an eye on that second smaller stream. If it gets noticeably longer, it likely means that the water injection port on the exhaust elbow is getting clogged. If it clogs up all the way, the exhaust gases won't be cooled properly. Ours has a 90 degree fitting that will occasionally get plugged up.

The first season we had out boat ours clogged up and that smaller stream shot out 5-6 feet out the back of the boat. Cleaning everything out isn't hard, but it's pretty gross. Wear gloves. The substance that clogs things up is the semi cooked bio goo from tiny sea creatures, and they don't smell good anymore. If you get it on your skin it will linger for awhile an you might have to sleep in the basement... Not sure if I'd rather do head hoses, but it's a close race.


Member II
I would keep an eye on that second smaller stream. If it gets noticeably longer, it likely means that the water injection port on the exhaust elbow is getting clogged. If it clogs up all the way, the exhaust gases won't be cooled properly. Ours has a 90 degree fitting that will occasionally get plugged up.

The first season we had out boat ours clogged up and that smaller stream shot out 5-6 feet out the back of the boat. Cleaning everything out isn't hard, but it's pretty gross. Wear gloves. The substance that clogs things up is the semi cooked bio goo from tiny sea creatures, and they don't smell good anymore. If you get it on your skin it will linger for awhile an you might have to sleep in the basement... Not sure if I'd rather do head hoses, but it's a close race.


Member II
Thanks for the heads-up. Funny thing is that I just noticed it. I've only had the motor running a few times so far, and I could've sworn it didn't have the second, small one shooting out. I'm certain it didn't the very first time when we motored about 20 miles. Thanks again.


Member II
I would guess that the main "stream" is from the exhaust outlet -- exhaust and water mixed. (Chuffing and whooshing out)
For all the boats with a Universal diesel, there was also a smaller (like 1/4") hose that goes aft from the engine raw water from the top of the exhaust elbow. This functions as a syphon break. Some boats had an external small thruhull for this water to pee out of when the engine is running and others had a trick little port for that hose, on the inside of the transom directly into the metal exhaust thruhull piece.
Our boat had it exiting just above the exhaust fitting. When I changed to a new Beta engine, we eliminated that extra hose run.
Note B- a few Ericson's also had a Yanmar installed and I do not believe that they had this extra hose.
Thank you Loren. Funny thing is that I just noticed it. I've only had the motor running a few times so far, and I could've sworn it didn't have the second, small one shooting out. I'm certain it didn't the very first time when we motored about 20 miles.


Member II
Thanks for the heads-up. Funny thing is that I just noticed it. I've only had the motor running a few times so far, and I could've sworn it didn't have the second, small one shooting out. I'm certain it didn't the very first time when we motored about 20 miles. Thanks again.


Member II
I would keep an eye on that second smaller stream. If it gets noticeably longer, it likely means that the water injection port on the exhaust elbow is getting clogged. If it clogs up all the way, the exhaust gases won't be cooled properly. Ours has a 90 degree fitting that will occasionally get plugged up.

The first season we had out boat ours clogged up and that smaller stream shot out 5-6 feet out the back of the boat. Cleaning everything out isn't hard, but it's pretty gross. Wear gloves. The substance that clogs things up is the semi cooked bio goo from tiny sea creatures, and they don't smell good anymore. If you get it on your skin it will linger for awhile an you might have to sleep in the basement... Not sure if I'd rather do head hoses, but it's a close race.
Thanks for the heads-up. Funny thing is that I just noticed it. I've only had the motor running a few times so far, and I could've sworn it didn't have the second, small one shooting out. I'm certain it didn't the very first time when we motored about 20 miles. Thanks again.

Prairie Schooner

Jeff & Donna, E35-3 purchased 7/21
Thanks for the heads-up. Funny thing is that I just noticed it. I've only had the motor running a few times so far, and I could've sworn it didn't have the second, small one shooting out. I'm certain it didn't the very first time when we motored about 20 miles. Thanks again.

Prior to your purchase, had the boat sat a long time without the motor being used? It could be that it had gooped up and your use of the engine blew it out some.

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
It could be that it had gooped up and your use of the engine blew it out some.
In my boating area, it is not uncommon to have a small "mud dauber" wasp build a nest in one of those. Or, in the air vent for the fuel tank or the vent outlet for a holding tank.
(Same problem once in a while at home -- hardened wasp nest found once in a while in the little exit tubing for the condensate water coming from the heat pump when it's operating in AC mode. :( )


Advanced Beginner
Blogs Author
I think "semi-cooked bio goo" might be my new favorite sailing term.
BTW, a bit of unsolicited (and likely unwanted) yachting history.

1978, racing one-tonners in the San Diego Yachting Cup. Somebody (?) loaded the ice box with the sandwiches, snacks and fruit for the day, accompanied by a couple of unrestrained 10-lb blocks of ice.

Several short-course windward/leeward races later, we took a break for lunch and found that the contents of the ice-box had been macerated into gray sticky gelatinous goo by the blocks of ice. Decidedly unappealing.

And not fun to clean out of the ice-box at the end of the day. Upon carting a bucket of the stuff up the dock to the yacht-club dumpster, our jib-trimmer ("Wheels") declared it was a new substance, never before seen in our galaxy, and named it "spooge".

So... if ever you come across a blob of unidentifiable goo that used to be food... you know it's name. And if you ever hear the word "spooge", you know where it came from.

You're welcome <lol>


Member II
BTW, a bit of unsolicited (and likely unwanted) yachting history.

1978, racing one-tonners in the San Diego Yachting Cup. Somebody (?) loaded the ice box with the sandwiches, snacks and fruit for the day, accompanied by a couple of unrestrained 10-lb blocks of ice.

Several short-course windward/leeward races later, we took a break for lunch and found that the contents of the ice-box had been macerated into gray sticky gelatinous goo by the blocks of ice. Decidedly unappealing.

And not fun to clean out of the ice-box at the end of the day. Upon carting a bucket of the stuff up the dock to the yacht-club dumpster, our jib-trimmer ("Wheels") declared it was a new substance, never before seen in our galaxy, and named it "spooge".

So... if ever you come across a blob of unidentifiable goo that used to be food... you know it's name. And if you ever hear the word "spooge", you know where it came from.

You're welcome <lol>
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