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    Join us on March 28th, 7pm EDT

    for the CBEC Virtual Meeting

    EY.o March Zoom Meeting

    All EYO members and followers are welcome to join the fun and get to know the people you've met online!

    See the link below for login credentials and join us!

    March Meeting Info

    (dismiss this notice by hitting 'X', upper right)


  1. wurzner

    Was there a 2008 Rendez Vous

    Did an event end up taking place this year? I'm curious as it had a hard time materializing.
  2. C

    Cruising Aug 16-31 2008

    Just in case any one wants to get their ship together with ours ei Eden and Hilda Harris an E 30+ and a E28+ we will be cruising the Canadian Gulf Islands Aug 16-31 Montigue Harbour, Ganges, Pirates Cove, Maple Bay etc. we will be monitoring VHF chan 16 and 10 and cel 250 888 4505 and cell...
  3. R

    Clean Boating Act of 2008

    Got this e-mail today. "Dear BoatU.S. Member, Thanks to some great teamwork, the threat of a new EPA discharge permit for all your boats is gone! On Tuesday night, President Bush signed into law "The Clean Boating Act of 2008," which gives recreational boats a...
  4. T

    Annapolis to Solomons 2008

    Any of you Chesapeake E-Sailors do this overnight race? Near perfect conditions 12-15kt southerly with a full moon and clear skys. We Could have used a bit more rail meat but still had fun. Ended up 7th in our 20 boat division, PHRF B. They moved the PHRF splits this year which made us the top...
  5. S

    Strictly Sail 2008

    I was planing on going up to Oakland for the Strickly Sail Boatshow April 16-20 (my plan is to arrive on the evening of the 18th) Are there any other So Cal sailors going? I have seen nothing on this site about any gathering of the faithful Ericson Owners. Is it too far to travel? Sam
  6. Gary Peterson

    Possible 2008 Lake Erie Rendezvous

    What would the possibility be that us Lake Erie sailors could have a Lake Erie get together in 2008?:thinker: During the Great Lakes "Hot Stove League (re winter)" yacht club bar meetings, this topic is always discussed by other owners. I believe there are enough owners and families that this...
  7. wurzner

    Logistics for 2008 Rendez Vous

    OK. We need to consider dates. Since we seem to get US boats when it is south and US/Canadian boats North, I propose the following. If we contine rotating the event North South, this is a Canadian year. If so, we should try and do it on a long weekend. If it is in Sidney or Victoria, we...
  8. Sean Engle

    2008 NW Ericson Rendezvous - Discussion

    Once again, I'm the jumping the gun here... It was good fun seeing everyone in Port Townsend, and the Canadians were represented by a beautiful E41... When ready, we have lots to discuss - where the next one will be - if smaller regional (read - north/south of the border) meets are held in...