Ericson 23 MKII Sail Boat On Craig's List
$3000 (Docked in Long Beach)
1975 Ericson MKII Sail Boat
This sail boat is in excellent condition! It is white with blue trim. It also has many extras:
The sail boat has new paint. The...
Hello all, I've found a 1967 E-30 for $3000 OBO. I'm going to look at it this Saturday. What areas do you think I should look at to determine if its worth getting a survey? Are there any inherit problems with this design? The owners' willing to work with me on purchasing it. Its has some rain...
I have an excellent William Crealock designed 1968 Ericson 26 for sale in Southern California. The boat is in dry storage and with no more than two weekends of TLC could be a stunner! The hull is blister free, the interior is fantastic. This is a great opportunity to score an exceptional...