So I am ready to pull the boat and install the new keel next week. Since I lost my keel I also lost the pendant cable and block. Does anyone have any advice as to how to contruct a new pendant line and which size it would be and what sized block I would use? I have seen pics but they are just...
So I have never had anything nice to say about Vista and now I am finding out that Maptech Offshore Navigator software will not install with 64 bit vista. Can any of you tech gurus comment on this? I just bought a new laptop with 64 bit vista installed and was really hoping to use it on the...
Okay, my wife and I just bought a "new" E38. Excited is putting it mildly. I want to SAIL it! Putting up with winter, granted a very mild winter so far, is so frustrating I could chew through stainless lifeline wire right about now. Of course, surfing this site or just going to the yard to...