Our boat "Vesper", an Ericson 32-III, has been "winterized" and part of that was changing the oil in our M25XP engine. Now I've done this many times but overtime I do it I guess I marvel at the stupidity of the placement of the "banjo" type fitting on the oil pan. It's located at the forward...
I sent my 13 year old up to see how we (he) can replace a burnt out halogen bulb. Together we were unsuccessful figuring out how to make it a "quick fix". It looks like the whole assembly needs to come off the mast. Yes? No? Advise?
Also, the wife and kids bought me an early father...
I came across this suggestion in the Dashew blog that I though might be of interest to most Ericsonians.
They point out what a mess it is to change a horizontal oil filter - something all of us Universal engine owners would certainly...
"From now on, I want you all to call me Loretta."
Not really, that's a Monty Python movie. :egrin:
I was born Crews, but was adopted by my Mom's 2nd husband at about 6 years old and made to take his name. I always preferred Crews but never did anything about it, until now. I'll keep the...
there's always a lot of discussion of what the best bottom paint is, but i'm wondering what paint to use *above* the waterline, for a stripe or such. the blue stripes that run the length of my 27 where hull meets deck are badly faded by the years, and i'm thinking a fresh coat of something could...
I'm curioius to know how often people check their zincs on their boats. I am having my bottom professionally cleaned for the first time since I bought it lat June (I did it myself through September, but it's just too cold now). I haven't heard about electrolosis problem in my marina, but who...
Hi There,
It seems my packing has met the end of its usefullness as no matter how much I mess around with the adjustment it still leaks a few drips per minute while sitting at the dock. If under power it drips quite a bit more. It seems that there is no way to change the packing easily as...
Hello All,
Yesterday I rowed out to the E38 with my little crappy fiberglass tub as the Achilles is in for repair. Loaded to the gunwhales with oil, tools and a borrowed electric oil changing bucket sucker thingy. Warmed up the engine, removed all the access panels and inserted the suction...
Hi everyone, I'm new here. Bought an Ericson 30+ last year (I'm in Dallas) and was wondering if anyone has increased thier mainsheet purchase from the factory 4-1.
Love the boat, but my wife finds it hard to release the main when it is sheeted in tight. I'm looking for ideas.
I want to change the color of my original 1974 E35 non-skid deck and I have little boat painting and NO gelcoat work experience.
How can I prevent the loss of traction when I paint over the original "waffle" pattern? Do I need to add an aggregate or sand?
Should I paint with...
I'm going to replace the head rather than rebuild. Leaking connectors and the fixture is exhibiting its age and smell. The boat is 30 years old and the head is a Raritan"compact". Does anyone have feedback -do's-don'ts?