Hello - I'm looking at an Ericson 37 with a 50HP Pathfinder Diesel. Found a little information online, but wondering if anyone here has experience or knowledge with these engines and can tell me the good, bad or ugly? Thanks! John
I have an Ericson 36C that I am having a great time cruising with but I am having some major engine issues. Presently I have a Volvo Penta 2003 series diesel engine from 1986 and I think I made need to replace her as I think I may have to stop throwing good money after bad.
My question: What...
Stumbled across this, and as I read on, felt it was worth sharing. It is not obvious at first, but this is boat related. Cool stuff if you're a gear head :cool:
Independence 31
:o This posting reveals a very embarassing (as well as expensive) situation for me. I was unsuccesfull in winterizing my Westerbeke (Bukh) 10 h.p. diesel last winter resulting in a block crack and exhaust manifold crack in the engine. I removed and had a machine shop weld repair the cracks...