e 32-3

  1. J

    1997 Ericson 333 Regatta by Pacific Seacraft

    We have decided to sell Altair (formerly Skitblathner) an Ericson 32, that was built by Pacific Seacroft, PSC bought Ericson molds from Ericson when they went out of business. She is serial number 001 of the Pacific Seacrafts built 333’s (they only built a few). She is currently in Salem, MA...
  2. windblown

    32-3 Main Sheet rigging, with rigid vang in place

    We‘ve been using the main sheet set-up as it came with the boat, but it seems to me there are too many points of friction along the main sheet path. We have a rigid vang (gerhauer) and a boom brake/preventer (Walder), all from PO. The main sheet leaves its pulley system at the traveler and runs...