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    Join us on March 28th, 7pm EDT

    for the CBEC Virtual Meeting

    EY.o March Zoom Meeting

    All EYO members and followers are welcome to join the fun and get to know the people you've met online!

    See the link below for login credentials and join us!

    March Meeting Info

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  1. T

    Cruising Guide for New England?

    So I am starting to plan a New England Cruise for next summer on Escape Plan. Thinking I will go non stop up to Falmouth, then have the wife and kids fly up and take a week to 10 days to cruise west, maybe 2 weeks if we can swing the time. Plan to end up at Sandy Hook NJ, maybe leave the boat...
  2. rdesjardins

    E23-1 Tuning / Users Guide

    I recently purchased a 71 E23 Mk I. I'm trying to find an official or un-official users manual or tuning guide for the rigging. I don't have any info on setting up and am getting ready to take the mast down and fit with Dwyer mast hinge #2150. While to boat is currently in the water and...
  3. jamescio

    Ericson 29 tuning guide

    Does anyone have (even if unofficial) the Loos tension gauge specs for the Ericson 29. I know about keeping the boat in column and all that...I am trying to get specific ratings. Thanks Jim
  4. O

    New England Crusing Guide Recommendations

    We are looking for a good cruising guide for New England (N. MA, NH, and Maine). Does anyone have recommendations? Looking for good anchoring spots, general info. and exploration information. We have a new boat and are looking forward to some long weekend exploratory trips this summer. Thanks.
  5. S

    Tuning Guide for E34

    Does anyone know where I can get a tuning guide for an E34? A Catalina 32 walked away from me this weekend and I gotta blame it on the boat 'cause I did everything right!:rolleyes: Seriously, I don't think the rig has been tuned in 13 years. The original owner, from whom I bought it, didn't...
  6. A

    BucValu and Nada guide opinions

    For those of you looking at boats, here are two valuable resources for determining the value of a used boat: http://www.bucvalu.com http://www.nadaguides.com I would also like to know how other people feel about the prices represented in these guides. Andy