So I am starting to plan a New England Cruise for next summer on Escape Plan. Thinking I will go non stop up to Falmouth, then have the wife and kids fly up and take a week to 10 days to cruise west, maybe 2 weeks if we can swing the time. Plan to end up at Sandy Hook NJ, maybe leave the boat...
I recently purchased a 71 E23 Mk I. I'm trying to find an official or un-official users manual or tuning guide for the rigging. I don't have any info on setting up and am getting ready to take the mast down and fit with Dwyer mast hinge #2150. While to boat is currently in the water and...
Does anyone have (even if unofficial) the Loos tension gauge specs for the Ericson 29. I know about keeping the boat in column and all that...I am trying to get specific ratings. Thanks Jim
We are looking for a good cruising guide for New England (N. MA, NH, and Maine). Does anyone have recommendations? Looking for good anchoring spots, general info. and exploration information. We have a new boat and are looking forward to some long weekend exploratory trips this summer. Thanks.
Does anyone know where I can get a tuning guide for an E34? A Catalina 32 walked away from me this weekend and I gotta blame it on the boat 'cause I did everything right!:rolleyes:
Seriously, I don't think the rig has been tuned in 13 years. The original owner, from whom I bought it, didn't...
For those of you looking at boats, here are two valuable resources for determining the value of a used boat:
I would also like to know how other people feel about the prices represented in these guides.