Finally found the source of the water that continually collects in the bilge of my 87 E26. It is the plastic fittings that go thru the transom. Does anyone know the hole size and the hose size? Should I go with bronze?
I thought I understood most of my boat systems, but was perplexed yesterday, so would appreciate any help on the hoses going out the transom of our 1984 Ericson 30+. I had to replace two small nylon thru hulls, one of which had a red 5/8" hose attached which came up from the bilge area...
Before I remove the gate valves and thru hulls on my E-29 1973 and replace with proper seacocks, does anyone know if they are 1"1/2 or 1"1/4? I bought an 1"1/2 for my E-27(never installed) some time ago only to find out the E-27 was 1"1/4. Of course I realize when I remove...
I'm thinking of replacing the vacuum cleaner type cockpit drain hoses on my 32-3. Does anyone know if the white thru hulls are plastic or the better (Marlon?) stuff? Is there a way to tell? If they are plastic I'll have to replace them along with the hoses.
Thanks for any help on this.... Mike
Beyond the shape, is there any particular reason to use one type over the other? Seems like the mushroom type involves a lot less fiberglass work (new thru hull) vs the flush type. Thanks
I have 4 holes in my (almost) 30 year old E25. I really don't want any of them- 3 of 4 through hulls are starting to 'wheep', 'seep'... and the 1 1/4"
head valve (I pulled the head long ago) is frozen 'almost-' shut; have it capped with a bronze 'nipple' for now... Not good...
As both...
starting from absolute scratch here on through hulls-
all 3 of mine (E25) are 28 years old and need replacing-
if only to replace the ancient, green, pitted and frozen
gate valves! (arrghh) ('plastic or bronze... plastic or
bronze'.... hmmm)
can somebody point me to the most basic...
Hello Folks,
Jarod here, I will be replacing the thru hulls for the head this wkd along with the gate valve for the discharge and the seized ball valve for the inlet. I have the gate valve/thru hull seized on at the moment and i need to get a few things to get it off. While I am out...
I am getting some leakeage in one of the forward thru hulls under the head sink. I am planning on replacing all three since this is the second one that has leaked.
They do not have a flange as is the current practice. Has anyone undertaken this task specifically.
Will through hulls with...