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    Join us on March 28th, 7pm EDT

    for the CBEC Virtual Meeting

    EY.o March Zoom Meeting

    All EYO members and followers are welcome to join the fun and get to know the people you've met online!

    See the link below for login credentials and join us!

    March Meeting Info

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  1. Fortune

    Channel Islands Harbor to Marina Del Rey

    I will be making a passage in my E35 MKII from Channel Islands Harbor to Marina Del Rey Memorial Day Weekend, yes I know... the timing is unavoidable. Any tips, tricks, warnings, thoughts? Anyone made the trip? Tim
  2. S

    How to reach the togean islands, off of sulawesi, indonesia

    Does anyone know how to get to the Togean islands, off of Sulawesi, Indonesia? I have a family member travelling abroad and they are in Indonesia. Just Curious,
  3. P

    Suggested cruising guides for B.C. Gulf Islands

    Greetings, My wife and I are planning a 10-12 day cruise from Bellingham, WA up into the Canadian Gulf Islands. I am looking for any good literature ( cruising guides) on this majestic Island group. I have Bill Wolferstan's "Cruising guide to the Gulf Islands & a good set of Canadian charts...
  4. P

    Suggested Cruising Books for B.C. Gulf Islands

    Greetings, My wife and I are planning a 10-12 day cruise from Bellingham, WA up into the Canadian Gulf Islands. I am looking for any good literature ( cruising guides) on this majestic Island group. I have Bill Wolferstan's "Cruising guide to the Gulf Islands & a good set of Canadian...
  5. ChrisS

    Ventura or Channel Islands Harbor?

    I'm going to be dropping off crew in Santa Barbara on July 4th, and I just spoke with harbor officials there who said they don't take reservations and that they fill up quickly a day or two before the 4th. My options are anchoring outside the breakwater, or heading Ventura or Oxnard. Of the...
  6. Sven

    Coronado Islands ?

    Since we are down here in San Diego anyway, maybe we should sail out to the Coronado Islands for a few days ? As I understand it, we'd be in Mexican waters but would not need to clear customs coming back as long as we don't make contact with another boat ? We can't go ashore, but we can...
  7. M

    Sailing from Channel Islands Harbor to Marina del Rey?

    New to the forum. And, I'm a newbie sailor (sailed a little, many years ago) and last week bought a sailboat, a 1972 Ericson 29. It's in Channel Islands Harbor, and I eventually need to have it in Marina del Rey or Redondo Beach. I'll have to find someone to help me (and my sons, one of whom...
  8. C

    Ericson 29 For sale - 1000s Islands Area, NY

    I have a 1974 Ericson 29 for sail. She is located in the 1000 Island area of New York State. She is a fresh watewr boat. Sails extremely well and is in good condition.She has an almost new Full Batten lose footed Main, Roller Furling, Spiniker, #3 Genoa and a Drifter. Wheel Steering. Atomic Four...
  9. Cory B

    wifi/internet N of Gulf Islands

    Hello, I was wondering if anyone could comment on the availability of wifi/internet access N of the Gulf Islands through Desolation, Broughtons, and possibly the west side of Vancouver Island. We are planning on leaving Portland mid-to-late May and bounce around up there for 6 weeks or so...
  10. wurzner

    San Juan-Gulf Islands Aug 25 Sept 9th - Anyone Care to Hook Up?

    I'm leaving this Friday for Pt. Townsend, Victoria, Sidney, Ganges, and then Nanaimo by the 30th. I have a friend who is turning 40 and he wanted to spend some time in the Islands. My wife will be joining me later in the trip and we will take a nice leisurely 8 days to get back to down to...
  11. C

    Norwalk Islands Anchoring?

    I will be down in this area early next week, and having never been there, am wondering about anchoring locations. Looking at the chart, there seem to be only a couple of accessible spots for a 6' draft, north side of Sheffield, between Copps and Chimon...Any advice from someone who's been...
  12. wurzner

    Any Preferred Spots in the Gulf Islands you want to share (Stuart???)

    I'm querrying the group to see if you have any preferred moorages in the Gulf Islands South of Nanaimo? I've been to Poet's Cove, but plan on heading a little further North this year weather permitting? Additionally, I would like some recommendations on where we can pull in to take showers...
  13. Jeff Asbury

    Labor Day Week Channel Islands Cruise.

    Labor Day Week Channel Islands Cruise. The tentative departure day is Friday September 3rd. It is now official. If anyone else is interested. I am holding a Skipper's Meeting to discuss plans to cruise to the Channel Islands during the week of Labor Day 2004. So far there are two Ericson...
  14. Jeff Asbury

    Labor Day Week Channel Islands Cruise.

    Labor Day Week Channel Islands Cruise. The tentative departure day is Friday September 3rd. It is now official. If anyone else is interested. I am holding a Skipper's Meeting to discuss plans to cruise to the Channel Islands during the week of Labor Day 2004. So far there are two...
  15. Jeff Asbury

    Cruising California's Channel Islands.

    I was wondering if there are any other Ericson owners that have cruised the Channel Islands extensively. I have a E-27 in San Pedro and am planing to go to Santa Cruise and beyond next July or August with a couple other same sized boats. My experience with the Channel Islands is some what...
  16. Jeff Asbury

    Cruising California's Channel Islands.

    I was wondering if there are any other Ericson owners that have cruised the Channel Islands extensively. I have a E-27 in San Pedro and am planing to go to Santa Cruise and beyond next July or August with a couple other same sized boats. My experience with the Channel Islands is some what...
  17. P

    Labor Day at the Coronados Islands

    We'll be heading to the Coronado Islands for the Labor Day weekend and would love the company of any of you So Cal Ericson owners. Have a safe and enjoyable weekend and please say hello if you make it out there. Cheers. Paul Fruedian Sloop E29 #45
  18. Sean Engle

    San Juans - Gulf Islands

    We'll be heading up to the San Juans and the Gulf Islands August 29th to Sept 8th. If anyone is heading up there and wants to meet up for dinner, etc - send me an email. Hope you're all having a great summer! //sse