I was at my parents home today cleaning out their garage, other topic.. and I came across 3 boxes of old sail magazines from 1976 thru 1982. So I pulled one from June of 1982 and see all kinds of articles of components we have on our boat. As I am turning the pages I see a two page centerfold of...
There is an article in the Sept edition of BWS magazine by Taryn & Stephen Toman of the E38 Synchronicity. I tried to find an on line link but couldn't. It is an interesting article of their maiden trip from Baltimore to Bermuda. Stephen is an experienced blue water cruiser but this voyage...
Thought I would share this with all of you. I just received the Jan 09 Sailing Magazine, and myself and ragamuffin where part of the article how cool is that. All made possible by this web site. Adam Cort the author found me on here and interviewed me in Chicago last October. The article is...
I was going through the web site for Good Old Boat Magazine and noticed that they have a review of the Ericson 27 scheduled for the September/October issue of this year, and a review of the Ericson 23 scheduled for the November/December issue.
Reserve your issue now! (Or maybe just subscribe...
I understand that the March 2005 Sail magazine has an article on the Ericson 35-III. Does anyone know where this might be posted online? Does anyone have this issue and be willing to scan it for me?
Tim R.
Recently, read about an Ericson 32 like mine which was rebuilt, in the back of "BoatWorks", is this owner available to discuss some of the issues and drop some information at this site about the rebuild?
I've been out of touch for a while so this may have been mentioned already but I just received the spring 2005 issue of BoatWorks magazine. It has a nice review of the Ericson 38s and a nice sidebar mention of the web site and newly formed Ericson Association.
Article quote