There are two fairly large holes in my bildge from a missing bolt. I had a moment of fear, when I thought that there were some missing keel bolts, but from this old thread, it seems the holes are left over from eye bolts which were used to lift the keel in the construction of the boat...
Missing sailors found: 'We didn't know what we were getting into..':confused:
Two novice Californian sailors who set off from Avalon Beach in a 27ft Coronado sailing boat on Thursday 4th...
Why satellites didn't find missing plane
I thought the readers here would find this interesting. I know aviation takes very seriously any proposal to add safety equipment to airplanes, but I can't be the only one wondering why aircraft that fly over the ocean don't carry one or more EPIRBs...
One thing that struck me as strange about Serendipity's mainsail was that there were no reef tacks. When the rigger came out to plan the standing and running rigging replacements he made the same observation. He also called the boom "substantial but crude" which we decided to take as a...
In late January I acquired a ships license. After 60 days the MMSI data was still not available in the ITU database so I called FCC help line for assistance. The woman that answered did not know that the FCC is responsible for transferring that data to the ITU. Upon my telling her that only the...
I have a friend in the Houston area who just purchased the last 1990 Ericson 32-3 built by Ericson. The previous owner claims to have purchased it as is. I inspected the boat some time ago and found numerous parts missing.. Would anyone know where this guy could obtain the two end brackets...
I am looking for the ol Ericson Team that worked at Santa Ana, Calif. during the years 1972-1985. Yes! the ones that went through thoes terrible strikes under the strong arm of Curt Densmore, and Delby Walton. Ericson Yachts was under Pan American then. I shall never forget thoes days.