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    Join us on September 27th, 7pm EDT

    for the CBEC Virtual Meeting

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  1. re-coring lower shroud attachment, new backing plate.

    E25+ re-coring lower shroud attachment, new backing plate.

    A lot of people here will know that two different metals and some saltwater will create a battery, well non of the POs of my poor E25+ took the time to re-bed any of the deck fittings. This is what my backing plate was looking like :esad: This was the time for me to re-core the...
  2. T

    Mast support without upper shroud

    I have an 1974 e27 and my starboard spreader bracket is broken. I am wondering if it is safe to go aloft to remove the bracket and spreader so that I can take in the broken pieces to be either used as a mold or to have it welded. What this would entail is having the upper shroud eased. Is...
  3. D

    E33 Shroud to Chainplate Order

    To the other E33 owners- in what order do you attach shrouds to chainplates? I have been attaching upper and lower shrouds aft, and intermediates forward. The yard stepped my mast today and have attached upper and intermediate. aft with lower forward. They said a more fair run like this. Curious...
  4. Matey

    E32-2 Shroud Tension

    While the test sail on the (project) 32-2 I'm in contract on went pretty well, I have some concerns. Lower shroud tension .. At the dock and under sail the mast was in column. While the uppers stayed tensioned, the lowers had more slack than I expected even at 8 knots or so. The standing rigging...
  5. C

    Shroud adjustment

    I will be installing a backstay adjuster to my E-27. I have a split backstay and a rollerfurler. By how much should I loosen the foward shroud to accomodate the mast bend? Thanks, Chris
  6. G

    PSC E 38 Shroud Turnbuckles

    I was thinking about replacing the turnbukles on my e 38 . I went to Navtec and discovered they had a Phuket agent/distributor. he went to my boat and reported as follows. "The problem being that you turnbuckles are unconventional in that they are have inverted toggles to match the...
  7. M

    Spontaneous Shroud Detensioning

    I've never heard of this happening before--have you? I sailed out to Catalina yesterday, which is about 3.5 hours from my slip in San Pedro, with a good breeze. After mooring for the night and having a couple drinks, I walked to the bow to relieve myself. I grabbed the aft short shroud for...
  8. B

    Shroud deck fittings

    Has anyone re-embedded the shroud fittings on an E34? Below the fittings, under the deck, there are two nuts under a block of walnut. Do these release the U-fitting? But how does one get the fitting's metal plate up? Is this connected to the rod that's attached to the hull? How does one...
  9. A

    Shroud rollers

    When sailing on the lake we appreciate any wind we can get. I noticed on days with little or no wind, tacking was a hassle due to the jib catching on the shrouds. I have the turnbuckle covers to prevent snags and the small split tubing over the wires. Something had to be done. I took 6 foot...
  10. R

    1983 E25+ shroud length

    There is a few inches difference in length between the inline lower, and the aft. lower? I removed them from the mast with out marking them. I think the shorter one is the aft lower. I am not thrilled with the idear of stepping the mast to correct the problem. Thanks much
  11. G

    Removal of shroud deck attachment on 32-3

    Now that I have a nice set of Garhauer EZ Glide genoa cars, I can't get them on the tracks because the end of the genoa track runs too close to the coaming. Removing the track would be a nightmare, so the only other solution is to remove the Navtec U-bolt shroud attachment that blocks the...