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    Join us on March 28th, 7pm EDT

    for the CBEC Virtual Meeting

    EY.o March Zoom Meeting

    All EYO members and followers are welcome to join the fun and get to know the people you've met online!

    See the link below for login credentials and join us!

    March Meeting Info

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  1. Loren Beach

    O-34 in single hand TransPac

    Nice photo today of Paul Nielsen in his Olson 34. Slow going at present. http://www.latitude38.com/lectronic/lectronicday.lasso?date=2010-06-25&dayid=444 BTW, interesting to see a good ol' reliable hank-on jib used for this event. Cheers, Loren
  2. brianb00

    Lonpac Single Handing Olson 34

    The Great Longitude Pacific race departs SF in July and is a single handed jaunt 200 miles west and home. Here are a pair of silly video's I made aboard my Olson 34 during the 2009 adventure. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2bl3bcOY8Q&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shutjSC0Hks Brian
  3. D

    Loose footed mains & Single line reefing on a 35-3

    Due to storm damage last July (aka Christmas in July )we're going to buy a new main and we're hearing from our local loft that a loose footed main is the way to go. Any feedback? Also it would be time to add a cunningham and convert to single line reefing. Our boat is still stock w/slab reefing...
  4. C

    Single Handed Sailing

    I don't know about you guys, but it's not unusual for my 'crew' to not be as interested as me in sailing:mad:. I'm of the opinion that it's time to single hand, heck I darn near do it anyway, why not go all the way? It's weird, there aren't any books on it, an occasional article, maybe it's...
  5. S

    E39 Single spreader rig

    I just purchased a 1972 E39 flush deck. It's a project boat and needs a lot of attention. The boat has a single spreader, single aft lower and baby stay rig. It was apparently done at the factory (or when the boat was new). Rod rigged with Hood Gemini headfoil, but will replace with (probably)...
  6. W

    Single Sideband Question

    This is a very esoteric question, but here goes: I purchased a used Kenwood TKM-707 SSB radio for the boat. For hooking it up, I bought a Shakespeare 23 foot antenna and an ICOM AT-130 Antenna Tuner/Coupler. I believe the grounding is good and the installation/wiring looks to be in order. I...
  7. P

    Single Handed TransPac Race

    The Single Handed TransPac Race starts one week from today, June 26th. Three Ericsons out of 28 boats. Two E-35 MkII and a 30+. Follow the race at www.sfbaysss.org enjoy Phil:cool:
  8. Sven

    E23 single backstay ?

    The owners manual I have includes instructions for "raising the mast W/single back stay". Our back stay is split and adjustable. Were some of the 23s equipped with just a single, off-center backstay ? Thanks, -Sven
  9. u079721

    Single Line Reefing?

    I decided I finally need a new main for my 1989 E-38, and have decided to go with a UK Lazy Cradle design for the convenience of not having to mess with the sail cover. One of the options I am considering to make things even easier is adding single line reefing. But I have read several...