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    Join us on March 28th, 7pm EDT

    for the CBEC Virtual Meeting

    EY.o March Zoom Meeting

    All EYO members and followers are welcome to join the fun and get to know the people you've met online!

    See the link below for login credentials and join us!

    March Meeting Info

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  1. P

    Soft Cabin Sole

    I had a '84 30+ surveyed yesterday and heard that a small area of the cabin sole at the bottom of the ladder gave a little under full body weight. Any thoughts on level of concern, possible causes and remedies would be very helpful. Thank you. Peter S
  2. J

    Soft mast step

    can the compression post be removed from inside. Or do I have to cut the deck. any thoughts would be welcome. John Timeless Annie 1976 E27:rolleyes:
  3. O

    soft foredeck, e 27

    I am about to take the plunge and repair the soft foredeck on my E 27 and have a couple of questions. In reading past threads on the subject I think I remember one that said that there is a brace in the area that you can cut through if your not careful. If that is true, which way does it run...
  4. J

    Wanted: Soft V Berth Mattress for E 35 Mk III

    We want to buy a soft, custom mattress for V Berth on an Ericson 35 Mark III. We live in Eugene, Or., but frequently drive to the Seattle area. If in that area, we could pick it up within the next few weeks. Want one that is fairly new, with, or without the dressing seat addition.
  5. Q

    possible soft spot

    When we pulled our boat out of the water last october, I was looking along the hull and noticed that the furthest aft pad on the starboard side was creating quite a large dent in the hull. In response I unscrewed and loosned the pad. Upon returning to the boat the next weekend I noticed the...