Offshore racing rules here (SF Bay) require the hatchboard(s) to be in and secured to a level such that a wave filling the cockpit cannot empty down the companionway entrance...
Do any of you do this? How? I just tie mine down, but the more I think about it the more I wonder if some easier way...
This weekend I found myself sailing (E34) in 27 kts (no problem -- 90% jib and double reefed main) with 6-8 ft waves (went ok, but with the wind they were growing and starting to crest at the tops. Seemed to threaten to come aboard (in a "would fill cockpit but not really scare me" sort of way...
This site can show you an animated portrayal of wind and swell patterns in many areas you might be boating.
It is used by surfers, but I find it useful for coastal delivery trips as well.
Use the little menu in the upper left side to pick your state or coastline...