Contributing Partner
A little while ago I was adding my two cents to another forum and in the course of doing so I included this
smiling Ericson face to my comments. My first mate, who was just happen to be looking over my shoulder at the time (I can’t get away with anything here) asked, “So how do you do that?” “Do what”, I asked. “Add that little smiling Ericson face.” I explained her that she’d have to become a member of the EYO site but first learn the secret handshake, be a man (which seems to now be possible these days) and go through an initiation ritual that might involve keel hauling. Of course she didn’t believe me so I added that any divorce court would rule that she owned half of Vesper, our E32-3, but like the biblical story about the found baby that two women each wanted only to be almost settled by a ruler threading to cut it in half and give each a portion of the child….that probably wouldn’t work with a sailboat either. So I confessed that she can surely join EYO if she desired since she is a “co-owner”. She’s still considering it so you might see “Mrs. Bolo” appear here in a few days. Who knows.