32-200 tanks and hose routing


Member II
I have a 1990 32-200. It has a water tank under the port settee a second water tank under under a wood floor panel in the lazarette, a black water tank and water heater also in that same lazarette.

Question: does anyone have the routing diagram for the hoses? There is an unconnected large sewage hose in the lazarette which I think is connected to a manual pump in the head for pumping out the tank. The blackwater tank is then only connected to the actual head and to the pump out. I am thinking there is a missing y fitting or maybe the black water tank was replaced with a different tank that has fewer connection points.

I don’t think the tank has been used for a long time. The previous owner had the boat in a yacht club where he had a continent bathroom close by.

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Where are you located (or doing your boating)? Your site bio sez you reside in : L3ilanif. (??)
Some members boat in the Great Lakes where the head is Required to be plumbed only to a holding tank for shore pump out. Many others of us boat in coastal waters where a Y valve is legal.
I suspect that the manual pump you notice in the head is part of the "full Monte" Ericson factory original plumbing plan where you could pump out the HT yourself when in legal waters. Or discharge directly overboard. Or... used the suction hose from a marina deck plate HT pump out.
Can you elaborate a bit further? Thanks.


Member II
Where are you located (or doing your boating)? Your site bio sez you reside in : L3ilanif. (??)
Some members boat in the Great Lakes where the head is Required to be plumbed only to a holding tank for shore pump out. Many others of us boat in coastal waters where a Y valve is legal.
I suspect that the manual pump you notice in the head is part of the "full Monte" Ericson factory original plumbing plan where you could pump out the HT yourself when in legal waters. Or discharge directly overboard. Or... used the suction hose from a marina deck plate HT pump out.
Can you elaborate a bit further? Thanks.
Thanks, I fixed my location. I’m in the San Diego bay. I’m not sure where that came from. Certainly a typo,

I do have a y valve. From what I can see it looks like I could directly discharge the head using the y valve. I think the manual pump is supposed to be always connected to the holding tank but I may be misunderstanding the pumps pumps flow direction. I’m assuming it’s for pumping out and not pumping water in. That’s the line that disconnected. Regarding the second water tank. Is that plumbed to the primary tank in the settee?

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Where is the manifold located?
Ours is under the galley sink module. I believe that some Ericson's may have found this manifold in the engine compartment under the companionway.
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Prairie Schooner

Jeff & Donna, E35-3 purchased 7/21
Where is the manifold located?
Our manifold is located under the starboard settee, against the forward bulkhead. But our three tanks are under the stbd and port settees and the v-berth. If I understand your layout, that location wouldn't make much sense on your boat.

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
I wish that a schematic of that quality had accompanied my boat when we bought it! Nice drafting work.

Captain Pete

Member I
That drawing is accurate for the 32-3. Note the tank vents are routed to the head sink. I learned the hard way that you need to be sure you have the head sink drain seacock open when filling the tanks...


Member II
Nice, so I guess the port water tank in the lazarette isn’t the optional tank then. So where would the optional tank go?
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Pete the Cat

Sustaining Member
Does anyone have a diagram for the backwater system?
In my 32-200 the blackwater routes are all visible through the head cabinet and lazarette. I did Tee my sink drain to the intake and closed the old head intake through hull fitting. Simplifies things and allows me to freshwater or saltwater flush.


Member II
In my 32-200 the blackwater routes are all visible through the head cabinet and lazarette. I did Tee my sink drain to the intake and closed the old head intake through hull fitting. Simplifies things and allows me to freshwater or saltwater
So to do a freshwater flush you have to fill the sink?