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32-3 Mast/Spar Height Info needed

Phil Grow

Junior Member
I have a 1990 Ericson 32-3, #763, only three more were built after it, although I read here was one hull (767) on the factory floor at auction time. I understand it was purchased and finished off by one of the employees.

I had a "bridge incident" this summer and need to know the actual height of my mast from the keel plate to the top of the cap so I can spec out a replacement. I can't seem find this number anywhere. I now have three pieces, somewhat mangled, which I have measured to 47 feet and maybe an additional 2 to 4 inches, so there is a bit of guess work involved. My boat came with very nice documentation by Ericson of the standing rigging specifications from hull #761 forward, so it looks like they made running changes along the way but I doubt the mast changed. If anyone knows the actually measurement of the mast of a 32-3 on the ground I would really appreciate it.

Thank you
Phil Grow
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Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
This is a fine question, but will be lost for searching purposes when appended to an earlier non related thread.
I hope the OP does not mind my creating a new title for it and relocating it.
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