Hoisted the 120 head sail today and noticed that it did no reach the top of the mast coming up about 3-4ft shy. Is there some sort of extender to get the jib a little bit higher relative to the bow stanchion, thinking this would give the jib a better shape?
If you’d like to increase the hoist simply make a wire strop that shackles on to your sail luff cringle and the snap shackle at the bottom of the furler. Make sure to leave room for increasing halyard tension in strong winds.
Agree with Robert, altho the answer to the original question is going to be to adjust the deck lead block fore or aft to shape the jib, no matter where the clew ends up. What model boat do you have? Is there a decent length of genoa track on each side deck? A photo of the deck will help generate better answers to the question.