For what it's worth, I have been running B100 (B99 now) for over two years. I have an older Universal 3 cyl. I have not had any problems. My fuel supply and return are the red striped USCG approved hoses. My filter is a Racor 2 micron. I only burn about 15-30 gallons a year so it sits in the tank for long periods - have not experienced any algae problems yet.
60 miles - no problem, when I started using B100 the nearest place for me was 90 miles away! Now, availablility is getting better and is only 30 miles away. For me the smell benefits alone are worth it. Not only does the exhaust smell great, but the raw fuel does not smell bad at all and the very slight "engine smell" in the boat is GONE.
My only advice - check/watch your fuel lines, seals and filters. Carry a couple extra fuel filters, if you have crude in your tank, as said earlier, bio-diesel will release it - be prepared to change filters.