Three-blade vs Two-blade... compromises...
All engineering is really a study of compromises, though, truly, there's a lot of variables involved. I do NOT know whether the advice I heard is authoritative or not...
The Marine Architect who did my C&V survey, on seeing the two-blade prop, suggested that I mark the shaft in the two positions where the prop is vertically arranged, especially if I intend to do spend most of my time sailing-- or, as I call it, "on the rag"-- so that, on powering down, I can align the prop to be in the "shadow" of the keel.
Obviously this would only work with a two-bladed prop, and, truly, I wonder if the difference in drag (and, hence, speed) is measurable if you're not travelling more than 20-30 miles.
Heck, I suspect the slightest amount of hull fouling would render this difference moot.
I realize that the three-blade provides more "bite"-- it has to-- but does this come with more prop steer?