Bilge pump ID help

David Vaughn

E31 Independence - Decatur AL
Blogs Author
Our larger bilge pump has sprung a leak around its diaphragm. It was in the boat when we bought it and I don't have any documentation on what it is. Anyone familiar with this? There are no stickers or number plates that I can find. Any info would be appreciated.



Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
This one looks similar.

You might check with a larger chandler for a rebuild kit. And, send a photo to the Jabsco folk for their input.

Rather expensive. We have a couple of the Jabsco 37202 model series pumps, originally installed by EY, and I have had to replace only one of them. Good quality kit, IMO.

David Vaughn

E31 Independence - Decatur AL
Blogs Author
Thanks Loren. That confirms what I was thinking. I found that the survey mentioned a Jabsco pump but doesn't have the model number.
Almost have it out from its mounting place, maybe I can find a serial number or something so I get the right kit.

David Vaughn

E31 Independence - Decatur AL
Blogs Author
Ok, turns out it's a Peters & Russell C-5623. Seems Jabsco bought them out years ago.
The repair kit for the Jabsco 36600 looks exactly like what I'm seeing after opening this up. Amazon has a 36600 repair kit. Arrives day after tomorrow. We'll see.

David Vaughn

E31 Independence - Decatur AL
Blogs Author
So If anyone has an old Peters & Russell C-5623 pump dutifully performing its job, it can be repaired with the current Jabsco Service Kit #30124-0000. Kit contains new valves, belt, diaphragm, and pulsation dampener. Parts fit exactly. Will reinstall and check for leaks when we go back to the boat tomorrow.

David Vaughn

E31 Independence - Decatur AL
Blogs Author
It is definitely old school, but it is great isn’t it. I don’t know if it was factory installed but it does what it’s supposed to do. Now it should do it a few more years.
Grandpa would be proud that we didn’t throw it out.