Boat fire in Japan

Tin Kicker

Sustaining Member
Posted two weeks ago and shows these are pretty hard to put out once started, since so much is below decks. First firefighter seen is at 2:45 but of course it's unknown how long the fire has been going.
Shows why the safest place is upwind at the bow.
Jetski rider made a valiant try to slow it.

Christian Williams

E381 - Los Angeles
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
What is the fuel? Cockpit entirely engaged, where there is no furniture.

An Internet scan shows that although fiberglass burns poorly, resin burns relatively easily above 400F.

Also, that most boat fires are engine/fuel/gasoline fires. I'm guessing that explains the aggressiveness of the conflagration.

Tin Kicker

Sustaining Member
It doesn't take much to start a fiberglass [resin] fire and even less to start interior woodwork.

Location translated by Google is Nishinomiya, which is halfway between Kobe and Osaka.
None of the comments provide a clue about cause.

Nick J

Contributing Partner
Blogs Author
We had one a few years ago in Everett:

Scary stuff, especially when your boat is directly under the plum of smoke. The fire fighters did a great job of isolating adjacent boats to minimize the spread. Great effort by the jet skis, but it might be worth mentioning that a better use of their vessel would be towing adjacent boats away from the blaze. Of course, it's easier said than done. I was amazed how hot this fire was. Everett had a bad go for a few years with another fire in a boat house shortly after and a huge structure fire on a new condo complex under construction.