Brickyard Cove/Point Richmond E30+


Member III
Ahoy from Alameda! My boat's godfather (and electrician) is working on an E30+ in Brickyard Cove this week, and I was wondering if anyone knew the owners. Shout out, if so...



Member III
My electrician Bill told me this morning that the owner would like to connect, so he'll text me that info later on. Also, we actually looked at condos over there before deciding to stay boat liveaboards (previously on a Catalina 42) on a bigger boat (Sea Ranger 52 trawler). Honestly, I just prefer living on a boat after 25 years of living and sailing on my various sailboats. The first one was an Ericson 23 down in Dana Point (for a couple of months as a sneak aboard), and then an E28 and E29. Then a Soverel 36 CB on Hilton Head Island for 11 years.