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Bulkhead attachment

Nick J

Contributing Partner
Blogs Author
Ive read alot about tabbing bulkheads in place to strengthen the boat, but mine seems to just have bolts and screws keeping it in place. Furthermore, there's a sizeable gap between the deck and the top of the bulkhead. Is this normal or should i replace the bulkhead with one that fits better and tab it in on the back? The picture is of the port bulkhead wich isn't much on an E 25+.20170128_142222.jpg

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Looks like it's tabbed on one side. That's better than was common on less-expensive boats of that era.
If it has lasted this long, there's probably no reason to change now.
If you want to tab it on the side toward the camera, that would just make it better yet, even if not really necessary.

While poking around with the head liner off and having more access to the main bulkhead, be certain that the chainplates are not leaking. Not even one little tiny bit.

Nick J

Contributing Partner
Blogs Author
Thanks for the reminder. Not sure why i wasnt concentrating on the chain plates, but I'll give them a look. The plan was to address them next year, but i think you have a good point.

From what i can see, it's not tabbed in the way I've read about. It's screwd to a ridge in the vbirths molded headliner that im guessing is bonded to the deck. Same thing on the other side.