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    Join us on March 28th, 7pm EDT

    for the CBEC Virtual Meeting

    EY.o March Zoom Meeting

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Chafing at the bit....?


Sustaining Partner
Okay, my wife and I just bought a "new" E38. Excited is putting it mildly. I want to SAIL it! Putting up with winter, granted a very mild winter so far, is so frustrating I could chew through stainless lifeline wire right about now. Of course, surfing this site or just going to the yard to sit on the boat don't make things any better..... Kinda makes me want to scream. Mid April can't come soon enough. How does everyone else get through the winter? Please don't say "frostbite series" racing 'cause that ain't happinin'! I don't mind "cool" but "cold" wetsuit/foulies activities is not what I had in mind. Oh, how I want to move South! RT


Sustaining Member
Boat projects always keep me very busy through the winter. Infact, right now I'm actually wishing sailing season were an extra month away so I could have a chance of getting my projects done! :)


Member III

Over twenty years ago I came out here from Maine and said, "wow I can sail all year and never complete the many projects on my boat, there's just no down time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bob in Va

Member III
Greener Grass

What I'd give to be able to sail Naragansett Bay. In the late 50s I lived in East Greenwich but never did any sailing then. Now I live in a state where it's possible to sail every month of the year - last week was unseasonably warm, T-shirt weather in fact. But looking at that Bay on the map brings back some memories, and hearing people talk of the great sailing there just rubs it in. Those Florida guys won't ever know the anticipation and fun you'll have every spring when you are able to take her out for the first time that year.