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Cleat less

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Has anybody dared to go cleat less on cabin tops equipped with rope clutches?
Back a few years when we upgraded to newer clutch stoppers, we removed the small horn cleat for good. Later the winches were moved aft and the new Lewmar clutches correctly aligned in front of each one.

I realize that having at least one cleat behind each winch is a good "belt & suspenders" way to ensure that the line stays put, but modern clutches hold so well that we are content with the more streamlined arrangement. Also, in a pinch a halyard can be left on the ST winch as needed.
If I more concerned I might add a "jam" or a "clam" cleat on the vertical side of each cabin bulkhead, sized for the max diameter control or halyard line.

This blog entry shows, in the last picture, the present layout on one side. This was taken before every part was removed for the 2021 re-paint, I should note. Also note that the lines all enter the winch drum on one side where the (not visible) drive gear engages it inside.

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Sustaining Member
Loren: I'm doing the same re-design. The boat originally had clutches, but they were not properly aligned with the winches. I removed them also because they interfered with the dodger. I'm installing triple clutches port and starboard. Presently have four cleats that are in the way. They have to come out so I'm considering eliminating them.


Sustaining Member
I recently cleared my companionway area entirely: old clutches, non-self tailing winches and horn cleats, and installed a single new self tailing winch and triple clutch on each side similar to Loren's setup. (That's why I have a couple 10s, LOL) I had two winches on the starboard side, one dedicated to the main sheet, and I thought long and hard about the new setup. It works well for me, and I don't miss the horn cleats all, especially as it gave me more room to arrange the clutches and lines.

EDIT to add:
If you intend to have only non-self-tailing winches, you probably will want to have one cleat (horn, cam or other) for your main sheet. A clutch is not good for a main sheet because it adds drag when sailing in light wind, and also when a situation arises when you want to dump the main immediately.
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Christian Williams

E381 - Los Angeles
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
I have no cleats for backing up my clutches. Clutches are designed to hold, and if suspect ought to be replaced. They either work or they don't. That doesn't go for cam or clam cleats, which are more temporary in application.


Advanced Beginner
Blogs Author
I have no cleats on mine, either.

no cleats.jpg
