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Curator of Broken Parts
Blogs Author
Well... My boat has that same stereo. The rest, not so much.
From the lack of any sort of hand holds inside, I assume that they're equipped with artificial gravity and inertial dampers.
Looking through these things at the boat show, I get the strong feeling that I'm walking through an Ikea store. You know, the purveyors of stylish but flimsy, cheap, and disposable furniture that is meant to be changed every few years. Could it be that the manufacturers are taking steps to ensure that in the future, there won't be any pool of 40-year old boats on the market, competing with sales of their latest models?

Oh, also the cockpit locker was so big, I wasn't sure whether it was supposed to be a lazarette or a crew cabin. Plenty of room to store inflatables, bicycles, surfboards, scuba gear... all the stuff that won't fit on my boat but that I need to have. I haven't seen that on any Eboat, or any older boat that I've shopped. And I've been looking.


Member III
Looking through these things at the boat show, I get the strong feeling that I'm walking through an Ikea store.

I had the same impression at the latest boat show as well. The Beneteaus, Jeanneau's etc etc were nearly identical with Ikea quality finishings and style. Interlocking cabin floorboards of oddly placed, creaky floor panels. So many are clearly designed for the charter market.

There were some standouts, like the X-yachts X4 which was truly spectacular, and its price reflected it.<script>(function () { var pb_blacklist = 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Sustaining Member
Commonly known as a "dockaminium". The real question is, how many drink holders are there? Most likely goes very fast downwind due to the flat dingy like hull after sections. To windward? Not so much. Would not be any on my top 20 choices for actually being at sea in any challenging conditions. Wonder what the old time great designers would say after they stopped laughing? ​It just goes to show that there is a boat out there for everyone.


Contributing Partner
I think that the Scow hulled work boats copy is the key. They were designed to hold maximum cargo and not meet a wave.


Sustaining Member
Hanse 315

A BVI charter company had a Hanse 315 at the PBB marina we stayed in this year. The Canadian skipper would demo the boat for interested parties. Went aboard for a peek, but not a sail. Rather sterile I thought, though a ton of room. Drop down transom. Dual carbon fiber wheels. High freeboard. Self tacking jib, Kevlar sails. Sleek but sterile. Some would say "clean". I never did get to ask him about the state of the charter company he worked for. Hope he has a job to return to this winter. He had a serious hand injury, ripped the tip of a finger off, when I met him in the spring. His recovery summer job was to try to sell boats. There are plenty of wealthy Canadians at this marina. We're only an hour and change from Montreal.


Member III
I wonder if the thing can surf? The only thing about the design on Cinderella I wish was different would be if she could surf. I noticed out in the pacific if you powered up the rig too much she would get wobbly as the hull tried to dissipate the extra energy charging down the swells. I realize it's a compromise and she goes great to weather, but damn would it be a blast to really move downwind and not worry about overpowering everything. I hear the Olsons can do it pretty well. Maybe I'm just not willing to put that much power in the rig...


Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
I wonder if the thing can surf? The only thing about the design on Cinderella I wish was different would be if she could surf. I noticed out in the pacific if you powered up the rig too much she would get wobbly as the hull tried to dissipate the extra energy charging down the swells. I realize it's a compromise and she goes great to weather, but damn would it be a blast to really move downwind and not worry about overpowering everything. I hear the Olsons can do it pretty well. Maybe I'm just not willing to put that much power in the rig...


That narrower waterline aft makes your design go to weather with minimal wake and resistance - well, up a point - but there is some penalty off the wind in heavy air.

Our boat's hull form is really more derived from the wider-stern and flatter-run-aft of a MORC design. We do have more drag going to weather with our "unbalanced" waterline, but can more readily surf off the wind.
It's always a compromise.


Contributing Partner
In the first good storm that you have to hove to in, you will appreciate that narrow stern The bow will rise up the waves instead of getting buried because the stern won't drop. There's a reason good cruisers don't have max beam sterns. Planning is fun, though.

Christian Williams

E381 - Los Angeles
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
You're right, P, tough guys don't surf. Charlie don't surf, either. So I figure just reduce sail and enjoy hull speed with some momentary bursts of 10 knots sliding down the bigger waves.

For shorthanded crews, kind of a good thing. No heavy-air spinnaker or expert helmsman required.

But you know, I'd be surprised if that new design doesn't surf to beat the band. And it probably goes to weather OK, too, given twin rudders. I notice three reef points on the photo mainsail. You don't often see that in publicity pictures. I imagine excessive heeling is discouraged.


Member II
Looks too flat

When I was growing up we had a flat bottomed planing cabin cruiser (1957 steelcraft) and it would pound HARD in any kind of sea. But being that the steel was 3/16" thick it took it well. With the 74 32-2 I only pound a little if I am going head into the waves, and barely at all otherwise, and my fiberglass is about an inch thick.... So, how thickly built is this thing, closer to 1" or 3/16"?


Contributing Partner
Hull core. E-34. Just abaft the V-berth. I 1/4" Impressed the hell out of the Westport Project Manager that saw it.



Bill McLean
Party Barge

What Bob wrote: "Good party barge, though." cracked me up. Barge is what I thought of the looks of her. At least it is a sailboat. Not to my old fart taste, though.


Member III
Hmmmm.... a fox saw a bunch of grapes reflected in a pond and immediately jumped into the water to retrieve them. All the fox got was wet, "those grapes were probably sour anyway..."


Contributing Partner
What Christian mentions about discouraging heel is crucial for cruisers. This rig will have the same problem as catamarans and trimarans. When rolled over, it is not going to recover. It will stay stable in the rolled over condition. Perhaps an escape hatch on the bottom should be an option for those wishing to cruise?


Member III
In the first good storm that you have to hove to in, you will appreciate that narrow stern The bow will rise up the waves instead of getting buried because the stern won't drop. There's a reason good cruisers don't have max beam sterns. Planning is fun, though.

Cindy won't heave to very well at all. Maybe we didn't have her balanced very well, but under a double reefed main and storm jib in 30kts, she would just sail right out of it. The fully battened main would power right up and around she would come. I imagine conditions that I wouldn't want to sail in would be pretty rough to heave to in.

I think our plan is to avoid avoid avoid.
