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cracks on liner by main hatch


Member I
What causes the liner to crack on both sides of the main hatch both by the front door going into the V beth and on the other side inside the head. 1 how to fix and 2 is this cosmetic or a serious issue. Picture is attached.




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Member III

when u say 'liner' i think of vinyl liner; this looks looks like 'structural'. Did it have a load hit the deck? might try, have your girl friend (gradually ) step onto the area and see how much deflection there is. or have a glass man look at it.


Member I
Thanks but its on both sides of main salon and on the inside of the head. There has been no loads and these cracks have gotten longer over time so I believe its the liner . What is the best way to repair the cracks in the liner. Thanks


Member I
No load?

I am going to jump in with some thoughts; On my e27, the liner is part of what forms the tabs for the bulkheads. The bulkheads often are part of the structural components of the boat... making the liner structural . Doubt that the cracks are increasing for no reason... there must be some stress from somewhere. First thought that comes to my mind is having too much tension on the shrouds causing the hull to "banana"....the bow and aft to be forced up and the center to be forced down.


Curator of Broken Parts
Blogs Author
I agree - I would start thinking that the whole boat was twisted for something like that to happen. e.g. Did it sit on jack stands for a long time?


Member I
Liner repair

First, I suggest you determine what is the cause and correct that. I would think that is the more important item. Not sure if the liner is fiberglass or vinyl -- depends on the material and access. What model do you have? Maybe other owners with like models could jump in.

Monty Beed

Member I
Liner Issues

If the crack is just in the liner and there are no structural issues above the liner it's no big deal. If you want to repair the liner you will not be able to just fill in the crack. You will have to grind out the crack, bevel the edges, make a fiberglass repair then fair and repaint. Not a difficult job but one that requires multiple steps and patience and only moderate skill. Should be able to affect the repair for about $100 in materials and your time. The hardest part will be matching the color.