You need your boat's rig dimensions to know the "size" of the sail you need. You need to measure the "I" and "J" for your particular boat.
Asking a stranger to tell you your shoe size would be about as useful/logical as the original question.
Are you shopping a cheap deal on a used asymetrical spinnaker and need to be sure of your rig dimensions? Most sailmakers will have the base measurements for your class of boat, but you still need to spend a little quality time with your 50-foot tape and be sure of the numbers. These types of sails are sold as a "stock item" at a high dicsount by most sailmakers, and the sizing is not real precise at that price level.
For best performance under sail, you need accurate measurements and then the sailmaker will build you a chute with much better shape, contured to the type of sailing you do.
I do not mean to discourage questions, but what you are asking is not something that a stranger can answer with more than a calculated rough guess...