Dog to skipper: Is this really a good idea?


Member II
Video for those who can't get past the WaPo paywall:

Destination was Cape Sable, reportedly. From what I understand, the captain recently sold all his earthly possessions to buy this boat as a liveaboard - basically the last refuge of the pre-homeless for many in FL and other temperate parts of the US. Probably had no insurance, and his options were (a) risk getting smashed up in a marina or on a lee shore, or (b) put to sea and try to run south of the cone. Conjecture but whatever his calculus, glad the pup had a PFD and that both are still with us, and a doff of the hat to the USCG!


Member II
Thanks for the link. I am glad everyone involved is safe.
Loren, As a new member, I want to say it was great chatting with you, Mark and John on the Zoom call. Look forward ot the next one. Forgot to bring up the maker's plate build. All the best, Adrian